Reloaders have some more Norma brass and proj in, as well as some CCI and Federal Small rifle primers... Shit I thought they were the Match grade at that price!! but nope...
Reloaders have some more Norma brass and proj in, as well as some CCI and Federal Small rifle primers... Shit I thought they were the Match grade at that price!! but nope...
With the dollar exchange heading down and freight prices still high we are going to see high prices for components for some time.
I don't think our retailers are profiteering.
It's our choice, go without or pay the market price.
Buy up, they won't be getting any cheaper
Using Tapatalk
FYI, they have 7 x 50ea packs of Norma 6.5 PRC left. $200 each, if anyone is looking.
Yep, bought a 1000 CCI SRP last night. Hurt the wallet but I don't think prices are going to go down for a while with the US primer prices and our exchange rate.
Got a feeling I know someone whose bringing in some primers at $100 per k.
Just awaiting details
Workshop inovations advertising winchester wlr 1000 boxes $74
paid $26 for hundy LRM federal today...last box of large rifle in store..they did have heaps of small rifle and heaps of shotgun primers too.
75/15/10 black powder matters
nope.... I realise its expensive..but thought to grab them while I could... the small rifle were just under 20 per hundy.....
75/15/10 black powder matters
Old prices and he didn't have any in stock 8 weeks ago, I know this because I grabbed the last 4 pkts of WLR he had. Which weren't listed on his website, he's a GC because he only charged me the old price too. Many mainstream retailers would have jacked the price up for sure