I just want charge master or similar. Balance beams are accurate but tedious.
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I just want charge master or similar. Balance beams are accurate but tedious.
Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
Its not so bad ... and a lot of the little tasks can be split up and done when you have time ...
I keep a check sheet for each batch so I know where I'm at ..... :yaeh am not durnk:
Yeah, it's "ok" :thumbsup:
Don't do the maths. The reasons to reload are accuracy and fun ...
Its quick as, I can sit down and smash out 30 rounds in under an hour, and Ive only done it 3 times so far :D Thats probably slow for the experts mind you :P
lol. I still want the Binford 8100. :P
I reload 308w and 303 for target work so I go through 50 rounds a month of each minimum. Based on that the pay pack for a loading kit was 2 years. For the few rounds you say I dont think its economic, but it is fun.
303 can be a little tricky. I assume a no4 Enfield and not a P14 so stay lightly loaded ie at the min safe load and most of the pain will be avoided. Otherwise cases grow and fail faster once you go higher. 303s that have been streched also have a nasty tendancy not to chamber which if you are just feeding to pop that deer is just painful.
I would definately recommend a delux Lee die set for $70, it cant be beat IMHO.
Some of the other Lee stuff is a little cheap and cheerful but works well enough as a start and for low rounds use.
So it depends on your budget...about $1k realistically.
`Go to Reloaders Supplies Auckland and see Dan ,ask all the question you like and he will point you in the right directions
Great to seeyou're thinking of reloading, it won't let you down. I've been reloading for 43 yrs & started with a single stage press & dies ( Bair) etc for the 222 when meat hunting & have saved heaps over the yrs & when I changed calibres I simply bought a new set of dies which I used to also load ammo for others, there's just 'something ' about drilling a bullseye or putting meat on the table from ammo you've rolled yourself.---Good on you.
I must admit it is was quite fun reloading a few the other night. I guess you could easily break up the steps. I have a few friends at work getting into it also so we are looking at the possibility of purchasing two Lee 50th sets and getting a small production line going in the weekends. Just got to find the right music and get in the groove :)
I have 223 dies and am happy to show you how
chuck me a pm
Nice one Gibo. Anything from 2001 Chronic is all good haha