Reloading .222 - Problems
I have been reloading rifle and shotgun for years. In recent times I have acquired a SAKO .222 and have been trying reloads for it. Started with second hand cases and that was a disaster! They have now gone to recycling!. New Winchester brass, IMR3031 powder and several projectiles 50gr to 53gr. CCI and Federal Premium primers.
I have been successful with my 303 and 308 reloads but now I am having real issues.
If I use Norma or Sako factory ammo I can shoot nice tight groups (3 shots all touching - clover leaf or better) but at 30m I would expect that!
However if I then try my reloads they shoot 1.5 - 2 inch groups low and 2 - inch right.
Back to the factory ammo - spot on .... except Federal which are as bad as the reloads.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.