Might pay to buy up for reloading .Email out of the States not looking good
Might pay to buy up for reloading .Email out of the States not looking good
what email
Vague level 100 reached. You have unlocked cryptic power
That's me fuked I spent all my money on toilet paper![]()
Greetings All,
There has been some chatter that the demand for shooting products in the US has increased recently, possibly fueled by the increasing likely hood of a Democrat President being elected in November. How much this translates into sales remains to be seen. There must be considerable remaining stocks in the cupboards and garages of those that created the shortages by panic buying only a few years back but we will see. Its just the usual B.S. that is spread by the US gun lobby every time it looks as though a Democrat President is likely to be elected. If Trump is re elected this will put more pressure on the already stressed US firearms industry when the demand tanks again. Seen it all before several times.
Regards Grandpamac.
I watched a company exec for Winchester/Federal /Remington interviewed after the great ammo panic of (I think) 2013.
When asked, who created the ammo panic he replied :"You (the buying public) did"
We've seen it lately with toilet paper and hand santiser. Just a variation of FOMO.
RIP Harry F. 29/04/20
All things firearms are selling 50% or more above normal, in Both USA and Canada, they guy i get most of my supplies from, was pretty frustrated, about his incoming stock orders, less than half expected, I expect the current covid-19, BLM and riots, are making everyone look hard, at there personal security, money, and ability to self support for a period of time,
Also in shortage round here, are veg seeds, and plants, dehydrating bags and vacuum pac bags.
I have a couple of contacts. One here, one in ‘you ess of A‘. The former has advised me to buy up but cannot day why on a/c his position. The latter, a kiwi over there cannot currently buy a Glock as the state where he lives has sold out. He is waiting, waiting...for back order to arrive.
The conspiracy element of me feels we are about to become (inter) nationally shafted even more deeply.
Greetings All,
I have just been reading an article in the latest Handloader Mag tilled Desperate Buyers. It was written by Terry Wieland in his In Range Column. Terry reported a sudden drying up of special offers for ammunition appearing in his inbox from March onward and current shortages of ammunition and components. He also found stocks of .32 ACP pistol projectiles were disappearing fast. The .32 is a popular round for pocket pistols. It appears that, once again, the US public are reacting to the Covid 19 pandemic and the possible election of a Democrat President by panic buying firearms, ammunition and components. How they expect to ward of the virus with a .32 ACP pistol eludes me although it could hardly be less effective than the present inept attempts by their Federal Government but I digress.
With all this in mind I did a quick stock take of my current supplies finding, as I suspected, that sufficient loaded reserves existed. Additionally, the components needed to replenish stocks if needed are also there. Job done.
Regards Grandpamac.
I heard from Workshop Innovation, that they’re having trouble sourcing Lee components.
However he thought it was due to production slowdown, as a result of Covid.
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
All the US manufacturing plants are running steady churning out stuff and apparently some of the Russian and Europe factories have had slow downs.
Back when prices were cheap 2017-2019 I stocked up so now I am like what shortage?
I would expect at least for the next six months variable supplies out of the USA.