Settle down @Micky Duck, @Uplandstalker and @mimms2, @Makros has informed us that he has a bit of a special birthday hunt coming up and he has a new rifle. These two items may be related hence my advice not to wimp out and take the .270. The two cartridges are similar in many ways in spite of being introduced almost 100 years apart. Case capacity is roughly similar but the .270 is handicapped by it's slow twist. The high BC projectiles regarded as essential by actual and aspiring long range hunters are not commonly available in 270 calibre and wouldn't stabilise in almost all .270 rifles anyway. The twist problem has been addressed in the 6.8mm Western but the chances of new .270 Win rifles being given faster twist range between slim and none at all.
It amuses me that the the same people in the US that regarded any 6.5mm rifle as evil only 20 or so years ago now praise them to the heavens. I wonder if the 7.92 calibre will be popular in the US soon.
Regards Grandpamac.