Has anybody used reloading international to buy brass?
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Has anybody used reloading international to buy brass?
Yes, good to deal with. I bought in a carton of LC 308 from them
Pretty sure @Cyclops uses them successfully
Haven 't used them for brass, though that is a great suggestion.
I've used them for projectiles, somewhere between 18,000 to 20,000 over 4 years.
Great company to deal with.
Had a shipment that went on a world wide tour, Asia, Europe, back to the US instead of NZ.
They shipped a replacement shipment acknowledging that the shipment hadn't arrived.
I recommend them highly.
Used them extensively until a few years ago when my consumption of projectiles dropped off to almost nothing.
Only bought brass off them on one occassion and that was expensive as it wasn't a line they usually carried. They had to buy it off another dealer at the retail rate.
They will also get barrels for you, Bartlein etc.
I recommend them also.
Have you had barrels from them in the past?
Have looked into importing bartlein before and seems prohibitively expensive.
Shooting buddy brought in, IIRC, 3 at once using Mike at Reloading International.
I'll probably price it up thru them sold I need another barrel.
It's always expensive no matter what. But then a Trueflite isn't cheap either.
My last barrel was a Kreiger which I just went to an NZ smith for. It took just on a year to arrive though. Landed cheaper than a Trueflite.
Hi Zimmer, did you order your krieger from Relaoders Int?
Do you need an import permit when you buy brass or projectiles from them?
Apparently not from a Police link someone sent recently.
I have ordered from them some Lapua .284 brass but it's on hold as USPS has temporarily suspended Priority. I could do Express but that would take the total postage to US$200..
Don't be such a skin flint.
You would only need an import permit from the police if you require a firearms license to own it, so no. (But you might have to explain that to Customs if they stop it.) And as far as I recall the import permit form itself seems to only be aimed at firearms.
No NZ permit when I brought brass in but that was a few years ago.
All the paperwork was at the other end - a declaration that the end use was sporting, and that I wouldn't on-sell. (How they would ever know beats me.)
All easy paperwork to do, with the assistance of the seller.
Once upon a time if you had a friendly AO they would create a permit for you, even though it wasn't needed, on the off chance you had problems with Customs.
Nowadays they won't issue a permit as it's not required.
I still like asking the question of them though and getting the not required response and hanging on to that reply should Customs be awkward.
Zimmer if you want Krieger barrels talk to me, Im currently importing. Have some stock, but order mostly.
Dont mean to hijack the post.
I put in an order with them almost 4 months ago... still waiting on shipment to leave USA as its bounced around a few cities then returned to sender and then sent out again a month ago... still sitting in CA... doing what I do not know?