Ill give you my 2cents.
A mate and I were in the same boat 2 years ago and we really wanted to start reloading to save money......hahahaha yeah right.
Anyway we looked around and found that yes it seems the best way to buy the equipment you want individually. however due to basically having no idea and minimal people to turn too (i didn't ask the forum at the time) we just bought a lee challenger starter kit and standard redding dies (sizer and seater).
For us the press was fine and producing 1/2moa groups at 100m and have no probs on deer at distances the shooters were comfortable with.
What we soon discovered was not the press but we really disliked the powder thrower and scales. we also cleaned our brass with hot water and a scrubbing pad then as well.
Anyway after about 6months my mate bought a Hornady L-N-L Bench Scale and Hornady Lock-N-Load Quick Trickle. this was a vast improvement and also sped the process (we were refining) up. we also got lee universal decapping dies so we could clean then size.
in the last 3months, my reloading has increased and i have bought some more equipment being, MEC Marksman press, RCBS Chargemaster lite, Match grade dies, Hornady OAL gauge tool and bullet and shoulder comparators.
We still use the Lee press however it is only for decapping and priming. Oh and a wet tumbler.
So again my 2cents if you are going to shoot a decent amount of loads and your budget allows it i would take a look and ask what people a using and what your end objective is. The good stuff may seem expensive at first but there's a reason for that and remember the press etc will (if looked after) out last you.
No regrets doing what we did but yes we could have saved a few pennies by buying the good stuff right away, then again we had no idea what we were doing and werent sure if it was something we wanted to do.
PS I'm just in the middle of doing some load dev which atm includes 9/13 powders i want to try. and have multi projectile types i want to try as well. Why? curiosity. <== this is the black hole of reloading.