A complete setup is about $700.
Lee do a 50th anniversary kit at about $200, it has most of what you need at an amazing price, id suggest looking at one before buying more expensive...
Lee 50th Anniversary Kit
its a very good start point, Id add a digital scales at $70 to that,
a sonic cleaner $99 or $189
EZ Sonic Cleaner
Ultra Sonic Cleaner 2.5lit 170w
Lee do a nice looking case length trimmer that fits in the press at $29 plus its bush ($20?) its on my list of bits to get.
I have a delux 308w Lee die set $69 but Im un-impressed with the neck sizing die so I'd suggest a different manufacturer's die sets. I'll very probably buy Competition Reading when I have the $s. Std Reading is around $100, competition set $200+ I have RCBS dies for my Russian 54R on order, only they do a neck sizer...$200. Hornady die sets $80+
digital calipers about $60.
Powder trickler is nice to have at about $29+
2 reloading manuals, Lee's is $35 and not bad, I suppliment that by downloading the adi charts off the Internet, but Im aiming to buy the Nossler manual next.
Get on youtube look up ammosmith and
iraqveteran8888 they have good reloading vids.
