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  • 1 Post By deadidick
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  • 1 Post By deadidick

Thread: Ruger 10/22 Break down rifle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Riverhead, Auckland

    Ruger 10/22 Break down rifle

    I recently have bought a Ruger 10/22 break down rifle. its a great little compact unit, and I have always loved the 10/22's. I am a bit dubious about the accuracy of this rifle after you have broken it down and then later reassembled in the field. I haven't really spent enough time using this rifle to be completely comfortable with the possum spanker. I would be interested to hear from other members who own one, are they as great as Ruger claim?

  2. #2
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Hi mate, ive got one, i have a scope on mine, POI stays same after i re-assemble the rifle.....i love it
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

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  3. #3
    Member NZ32's Avatar
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    I like mine, no problem with accuracy after I take it apart and put it back together. Just make sure you have a good set if rings if you take the scope off.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Im planning to go find a quiet place to put a few boxes through her, check my scope. Ill break it down an reassemble and see how that goes. May be the Deadi was shooting like a dick last weekend.
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  5. #5
    Member Happy's Avatar
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    Mine retains zero also. There were a few early ones that didn't. Took me 2 to get a good one.

    There was some alignment problem that I found on a forum someplace that would have probably fixed my
    first one but sold it before finding the fix.

    New one is a keeper has aftermarket trigger, bolt buffer, full length scope rail, after market hand lever, DPT 22 Mag Suppresser etc... Oh plus very short barrel

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    Google this. Heaps of info !! 10/22 breakdown ruger alignment issues
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  6. #6
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Same Happy, ive chopped my barrel to 16" with full overbarrel suppressor & bolt buffer on it too.....shooting winchester subs....sweet as!

    my mate has a timney trigger in his.....hes rapt with the result
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt

  7. #7
    res is offline
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    I love mine,keeps zero-that said it's only used with sub and a red dot sight
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Riverhead, Auckland
    Hey Happy, cheers for the link. Ill go and Google now. That's a mean looking piece of kit, what's the scope you have there?

  9. #9
    Member Happy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deadidick View Post
    Hey Happy, cheers for the link. Ill go and Google now. That's a mean looking piece of kit, what's the scope you have there?
    Its AR332 Not that great at night but fast during the day..
    "This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy View Post
    Its AR332 Not that great at night but fast during the day..
    Mmmm AR332 very nice.

    I was giving it a bit of a polish last night (10/22 TD that is) and I noticed that if you held the stock end firmly in one hand you could move the barrel end ever so slightly, I cold just see the distance of the gap where it joins moving evr s slightly. So I tightened the locking ring about 6 clicks and it stopped. That may have been the problem. I have also down loaded the manual know from Ruger.com, and they also say that you should work the mechanism about 3 times after it has been assembled to ensure it has seated correctly. I never do this.

    Looks like I'll have to retrain myself again.
    Happy likes this.



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