Just looked at some 215m primers and the receipt from 2015.
These were the days!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...eda5133f06.jpg
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Just looked at some 215m primers and the receipt from 2015.
These were the days!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...eda5133f06.jpg
Sent from my SM-A226B using Tapatalk
At the Tauranga militaria show this morning, Winchester LR primers we’re being offered at $350 per 1000 from memory.
I’ve just got back into reloading recently after at least 10 year hiatus.
The reason is because I can’t purchase Factory ammo that has the components / configuration that I require.
The reality is that I’m paying way more than Factory per round, but “ Such is life “
I remember a line from the “ Chopper Boys “ book years ago and I’m not quoting accurately but it’s along the line of .
“ Mate the ammo is the cheapest part of the whole operation “
It was only 2019 I bought a 1000 box of federal primers for $99.95
Regular inflation is one thing, but a doubling in price in 3-4 years is a whole new level.
IMO, buy what you can.
As even the yanks are having a hard time finding a regular supply of primers
Bought 2k of Fed 215m earlier in the year at £45 per k. According to the guy running the counter, they were 'old stock' and needed cleared out. OK, no bother pal!
Decided not to be a cunt and only bought 2k out of the 5k available, hope the man upstairs was watching the atheist down below being a good boy and keeping notes... :P
A brick of Winchester 22 power point used to be $25 when I bought my 10/22 as a young fella, was up to Shooters World in Gore every 2nd or 3rd Friday night to restock, ah the good old days!
Is Lindsay still around?
He was/ is a good man
Let me pay off numerous firearms over the years when I was younger.