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Thread: Shooter App Help

  1. #1
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    Shooter App Help

    Hi Guys I downloaded the shooter app last night I put the info in but im not quite sure what that represents when dialing where it says elevation does
    U5.7 moa, does that stand for 5.7 inches ? also says U23 clicks that's for a 0 at 200 meters target at 400 so do I count 23 clicks up or as you can see on the scope 1 full turn would represent 16 what ?
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  2. #2
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Rolleston, Canterbury
    It means up 5.7 minutes of angle. Looking at your scope dials they look like 1/4" clicks so every 4 clicks is 1 MOA. With your scope on 0 5.7 MOA would mean twist it to half way between 4 and 6 then 3 more marks.
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  3. #3
    Member outdoorlad's Avatar
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    In round figures 1 MOA=1inch. (MOA stands for minute of angle)

    So 5.7moa at .25 per click on your scope is 4 clicks per 1moa, 5.7=23 clicks
    Boaraxa likes this.
    Shut up, get out & start pushing!

  4. #4
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Make sure (if you haven't already done so) in FIREARMS the setup for your rifle/scope is set to IPHY (inch per hundred yards) and not MOA. Your scope is 1/4" per click not 1/4 MOA per click. Not that there is a huge difference 1 MOA = 1.047" at 100 yds. And set your click to 1/4. Both settings are in the firearm edit and are together. You probabaly have already set the 1/4. Using SOLUTION it will tell you the MOAs and CLICKS you need to come up from your zero range (200) to your desired range.
    Last edited by zimmer; 25-03-2017 at 08:11 PM.
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  5. #5
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Something doesn't look right. A quick glance says you have a 200 yd zero but the -23.7inches/- 5.7MOA path would relate to a 100 yd zero calc. Mmm let me find go and fire up Shooter.

    One full turn on your scope looks like 18 IPHY = 72 clicks. You also mention 200 metres. What range have you sighted in at? Metric or Imperial distances?

    Ignore first bit, your calcs look OK.

    -23.7 inches at 400 yards = -23.7 divided by 1.047 divided by 4 (hundred yards) = 5.659 MOA.
    Last edited by zimmer; 25-03-2017 at 08:21 PM.

  6. #6
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    I understand now well the clicks anyway .zimmer i sighted in 2" high at 100 so should be very close to a 0 at 200 , theres a good chance i haven't got the app setup quite rite some things i haven't filled in yet like the bullet length or barrel twist , which is 9 1/2 but im not sure how to put that in ,the firearm data it asks barrel twist 1 in ? would that be 9 ?
    sight height iv got 1.000
    lead unit is MOA
    elevation turret grad 1/4
    sight offset 0.000
    Thanks for the help

  7. #7
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Just out of interest are you running an Apple or android fone?

  8. #8
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boaraxa View Post
    I understand now well the clicks anyway .zimmer i sighted in 2" high at 100 so should be very close to a 0 at 200 , theres a good chance i haven't got the app setup quite rite some things i haven't filled in yet like the bullet length or barrel twist , which is 9 1/2 but im not sure how to put that in ,the firearm data it asks barrel twist 1 in ? would that be 9 ?
    sight height iv got 1.000
    lead unit is MOA
    elevation turret grad 1/4
    sight offset 0.000
    Thanks for the help
    Don't worry about the bullet length or barrel twist, they are not used in your calc only I think for corrialis (mmm spelling) effect which is the distance the earth spins/moves whilst you bullet is in the air - artillery stuff ha ha. Corrialis should be turned off by default.
    Get your scope height set correctly - Shooter usually defaults to 1.5" Measure bore centre to sight centre.
    You can also enter a zero offset in for your 100yds zero 2" high. Edit looks like you may have applied that offset?

    Biggest learning curve is the atmospherics. Have fun.
    Last edited by zimmer; 25-03-2017 at 08:37 PM.
    PERRISCICABA and Boaraxa like this.

  9. #9
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    I have 0 in sight offset & i don't actually see where it has asked me for my zero distance ? its a iphone 6
    iv got the BC 0.3590 then it asks for minimum vel is that minimum muzzle velocity ? lots of questions !!!
    Last edited by Boaraxa; 25-03-2017 at 08:56 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2016
    On your scope top turret there is numbers from 0-18 by the looks. If you have sighted your scope and your number '0' is above that line/mark then all you have to do is twist it around to whatever your distance says.

    eg if you are shooting out to 350 all you have to do is twist that turret around to 4.1 on your scope.

    Each number is 1MOA....4=4moa....9=9moa etc etc

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Leave minimum velocity at 0
    If you up load from the bullet library it should do it for you.
    Under where you enter your zero it says something like zero height, that's where you enter 2 inch if your 2 inch high at your zero, (which might be 100)
    All this is under your round not firearm. Edit the round.
    Check with the scope maker, to weather or not each click is 1/4 inch or 1/4 moa. I have a s2 bigsky (sightron) that says 1/4 inch but sightron says it's actually 1/4 moa.

    Your twist would be 1:9.5 I'm pretty sure you have to enter this and bullet length to get a solution.
    If you google shooter app manual you will find a manual online.
    Last edited by bully; 25-03-2017 at 10:07 PM.
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Hi Borax
    Good posting with pics
    The min valUe for BC is to allow you to enter Several valUes of Bc. It changes'slightly with velocityspecially down close to the speed of Sound. You Can enter extra bc Values by touching the green PLus button. You w0nt need to do this for ordinary hunting.

    straight below the BC area in the bullet setup is Zero Data.Thats where you enter yourZero range (l00m) and Zero height ( 5cm) if using metric units .

  13. #13
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bully View Post

    Your twist would be 1:9.5 I'm pretty sure you have to enter this and bullet length to get a solution.
    If you google shooter app manual you will find a manual online.
    In an earlier posting I said this was needed for Coriolis Effect which is not correct. In actual fact it is used for Spin Drift. If you wish to use Spin Drift you need to enter this data and turn Spin Drift on. I don't bother using it for closer ranges and usually enter my barrel twist because I know that off the top of my head, but don't bother with projectile length. If I remember correctly, from the old 303 target shooting days the correction was something like 1.5 MOA at 900 yds. Should run it thru Shooter I suppose :-)

  14. #14
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Boaraxa View Post
    I understand now well the clicks anyway .zimmer i sighted in 2" high at 100 so should be very close to a 0 at 200 , theres a good chance i haven't got the app setup quite rite some things i haven't filled in yet like the bullet length or barrel twist , which is 9 1/2 but im not sure how to put that in ,the firearm data it asks barrel twist 1 in ? would that be 9 ?
    sight height iv got 1.000
    lead unit is MOA
    elevation turret grad 1/4
    sight offset 0.000
    Thanks for the help
    Twist 1:9.5
    Sight height is about 2.25

    The other things is correct as it is…

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Boaraxa View Post
    I have 0 in sight offset & i don't actually see where it has asked me for my zero distance ? its a iphone 6
    iv got the BC 0.3590 then it asks for minimum vel is that minimum muzzle velocity ? lots of questions !!!
    It will ask you during the setup of the rifle, if you want to correct it you need to go to your rifle menu, click edit and select your rifle… follow the "prompts"




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