I have both Pro Hunter and Game Kings in 100g for the 243. The both appear to have very similar ogives shape. Can I sub one for the other with powder load and seating depth? Running 47.2g AR2217 for 3050fps validated today to 400y.
I have both Pro Hunter and Game Kings in 100g for the 243. The both appear to have very similar ogives shape. Can I sub one for the other with powder load and seating depth? Running 47.2g AR2217 for 3050fps validated today to 400y.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
Main difference is PH are all flat base and GK are boat tails
PH shoot well in older rifles. Slayed heaps with the 308 150grain.
Good pills
Warm Barrels!
Seating depth maybe, powder load no, unless you are close to starting load.
The Prohunter will have a longer bearing surface than a Gameking of the same weight, which will increase pressure. Hardness may differ too which affects pressure.
Reloading books usually recommend reworking loads when you change batch/lot of the exact same bullet, let alone changing bullets.
How have you found them on Game.
I have been a fan of the smaller 85gr GK in 243 and in other calibers but have not heard lot about the larger ones. Some suggestions that they are a little heavily constructed to be effective in the 243 once the range starts to get up. (NB full disclosure I now use berger 87,105 and ELD-M 108 )
Last edited by ZQLewis; 06-08-2018 at 12:26 AM.
Use the 85gr GMK in 243 for the roar and 65gr GMK in 223 for main shooting for rest of year. The 65gr is an impressive pill.
Pro hunters are awesome projectiles everything I have shot with them has been in a whole heap of trouble real quick, mainly used the 120s in a 260 and for a 0-300m load couldn't have asked for better performance.
On the other hand, the sgk is also a great performer in my experience (150gr in 270win) I would just choose the one your rifle likes best and go hunting
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
I've used the ProHunter 100gr in .243 for about 25 years. Regular kills at 250m+, longest kills have been 350m. It is accurate enough for me to trust it 100% with precision neck shots in steep bushy country, for when I don't want them to go even one step in any direction.
It has accounted for more game in that time than all the other bullets I've ever used put together, twice over. It stabilises fine in a 1:10" twist, though it can be a bit finnickity to get the load right. I push mine at 2800fps and they are a bloody fantastic projectile, frangible and very deadly, dumps all the energy where it matters rather than punching right through and expending its energy somewhere in the surrounding countryside.
There is no difference in the construction of the ProHunter and the GameKing, they are identical but for the base design. Contrary to some opinions on the interweb, they are not designed to be controlled expanding (ProHunter) vs frangible (GameKing). I have that in writing direct from Sierra!
The 85g HPBT is a fantastic pill but I wanted a little more weight and the increased BC that comes with the GK. I have a good load for the 100g PH and as I have a supply of 100g GK was hoping the two may be pretty much interchangeable.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
I've used the ProHunter 100gr in .243 for about 25 years. Regular kills at 250m+, longest kills have been 350m. It is accurate enough for me to trust it 100% with precision neck shots in steep bushy country, for when I don't want them to go even one step in any direction.
It has accounted for more game in that time than all the other bullets I've ever used put together, twice over. It stabilises fine in a 1:10" twist, though it can be a bit finnickity to get the load right. I push mine at 2800fps and they are a bloody fantastic projectile, frangible and very deadly, dumps all the energy where it matters rather than punching right through and expending its energy somewhere in the surrounding countryside.
There is no difference in the construction of the ProHunter and the GameKing, they are identical but for the base design. Contrary to some opinions on the interweb, they are not designed to be controlled expanding (ProHunter) vs frangible (GameKing). I have that in writing direct from Sierra!
Used both styles in a 308 years ago and found them to be great killers, using either or you should have to many problems.
There's a new Sierra Game Changer projectile that could be worth looking in to as well
I looked at the 120 Pro hunters for my 260 but Sierra website says too fragile on larger game. Anyone else use them?