I'm struggling to see what exactly what you are trying to get out of this discussion @Flyblown. It is getting to the point where it feels like you are just posting for the sake of it.
You speak of the bullet making to large of a wound, yet you are concerned of it pin holing? This bullet is not a Barnes. They expand and expand quickly.
You don't think an increased BC is a factor until 500+ yards?.. I would revisit my ballistic charts and consider climate conditions and bullet velocity on a shot of that distance before making a statement like that..
You obviously have strong opinions on a product, by your own admission you have never used...
You have researched the product via promotional material, and social media posts. Again drawing your own conclusions from those posts.
My suggestion to you is if you are so interested in having a strong opinion on any product, try it for yourself, and draw your own conclusions. Then if you still feel the need to voice, your then substantiated conclusions for discussion on a public forum, by all means, fill your boots.
Sierra is not an exclusive product to BlackWatch. Its sold all over the world..
I do like the Game Changers. I am also pro Berger's, Nosler, Federal, Hornady, Barnes and even Swift! I am pro any product that does what it's designed to do, and does it well.
There are so many strengths of so many designs. There is no "one magic bullet' if that is what you are looking for here??
That is the beauty of tailoring the round a rifle for what you want to achieve. You are only limited by your personal skill and knowledge of reloading.
I take a huge amount of pride in the quality of the products I promote and use at BlackWatch, and providing our customers with absolutely honest, real-world experiences, feedback, and where possible, advice. I'm not force feeding you anything. If you don't like it... the answer is simple...