Good morning Guys, and thanks for all your advise and help. The brass I'm using is Lapua for the 140's, it is some once fired brass that is FL sized and primed, but not by me, next time around I'll neck size only. As for the 2700 fps, it was a round figure as a starting point, I have a 260 that is poking 129 Hornady's out at 2850, so I thought 2700 for 140's might be a good place to start but as you guys have said, any thing that gives me good accuracy is really where I want to be. The rifle is already pushing 100gr Barnes TTSX at 3200 with great results so I just wanted to add a heavier slug for bigger game and the Hornady SST seem to be working best at this stage.
And re-checking the barrel length the correct way, it is 22", for some reason I always assumed it was from where the rifling started.
Thanks again.