hi all just wondering if anyone else has tried fixing sizing dies that mark cases i bought a set of secondhand nitide hornady dies of trademe some time ago and i noticed a few brownish streeks on the inside of the sizeing die its in 44/40,so i cleaned them up and started using them only to find most of mr cases had long scratchs the length of the case very annoying as i had done a fare few with out noticing the marks,after nashing teeth and a few swear words i decided in for a pound so i got a case bored the primer pocket out put a nut and bolt through it and popped it in the drill,then some fine valve grinding paste and i worked the die very lightly for a few miniutes cleaned it out then got a 30 call bronze brush wound some cloth onto that with auto sul polish and worked that with i was happy with the finish put a few cases through no more scratchs. so there life left in the dies yet ill be using lube to now as i suspect the carbide or nitride has been deminished some what.