Slow 150gn 7mm mag loads
I worked up the following load for for my 7mm rem mag (a tikka)
Case- Norma
Proj - 150gn Nosler B/tip
Primer - Federal Magnum
Powder - 68 gns 2213sc
Avg velocity - 2834fps
The adi data shows a max load of 62gns with a 150gn proj (2986 fps), and the nosler data has a max load at 65 (3075fps)- I'm well over the over the ADI max load and a bit over the nosler load and at still nowhere at all near those speeds.
I've got no pressure signs but stopped upping the powder load as I was getting quite a long way over max book loads. This load is nice and accurate (0.5 MOA for a 3 shot group), and has killed everything nice and dead that I've shot with it, but at this speed it's not doing anything more than my old .270 did except burning more powder and making a bigger bang.
Anyone else running 150's with 2213sc in their 7mm? Are tikka barrels usually a bit 'slow'??
i'm running nosler partitioned 140gr with a similar load, getting over 3100 fps out of a rem 700
My tikka with its 24 inch barrel is about 100 fps slower with the same load in my browning abolt due to the extra length of the 26 inch barrel.
Norma brass generally has bigger internal capacity than most other brass. This results in lower pressures for same powder and coal. You can compensate by either increasing powder charge, or shortening coal, or a combination of both. I suggest you look at the norma reloading data on their site to get an idea of the coal's they use.
That's Interesting, the norma data does have a shorter COL (81.5) than the Nosler data (83.5), and I'm seating my projectiles out at mag length to get close to lands at 85mm. Hmmm....I might try a few seated deeper and see how they compare.
Yes, but reduce your powder charges first, and work up again. You will get very significant increases in v and p as you reduce coal (which translates to less case capacity and greater pressure). I use mostly Norma brass and had same problem as you with various calibres till I noticed the coals on the norma site and complied accordingly.
I’d also suggest go to 2217 or RL25 or 26 in rem mag