I am not familiar with the breach lock kit so dont know what is in there but to answer your question as best I can.
Two die set of full lenght sizing and seating die is fine for most situations.
Case cleaning gear, a bronze brush caliber sized ,some cotton buds and a rag is all you really need if you must clean them but really as long as the outside isn't covered in mud or corrosion cleaning is only feel good factor.
Cleaning, uniforming deburring flash holes is absolutely not necessary unless going for extreme accuracy.
Same for annealing.
You need a loading tray, you could buy one or drill some holes in a small bit of wood, plastic or whatever.
You need a press for dies.
You need consistant powder measuring device. Reasonable balance beams are perfectly fine just a bit slower than the auto dispensers.Powder trickeler to go with scales.
You need measuring equipment, most didgital calipers will suffice to get started.
You need a priming method. Nothing wrong with priming on the press ram.
You need case lube. Get lyman or imperial sizing wax.
A good loading manual is an asset as stated above however everything is online to learn.....one just needs to know what to learn.
Absolutely no reason you cannot load repeatabley accurate ammo without cleaning and uniforming primer pockets, annealing every firing, tumbling till reversing global warming by reflecting the sun.
A good load is a good load when you find it and minor variations in neck tension or powder weight or seating depth wont worry it much at all.
Those things come into play when the rifle or owner is being stubborn and getting a load that doesnt want to shoot to shoot.
Your biggest problem starting now will be getting components.