Has anyone got any experience with these projectiles?
I’m looking to load them in a 308 for a 0-400 yard set up.
Use on goats through to red deer.
Has anyone got any experience with these projectiles?
I’m looking to load them in a 308 for a 0-400 yard set up.
Use on goats through to red deer.
I use them in my 18” .308. Running them at 2,560 ft./sec.
The BC is real. The terminal performance is fantastic. I’ve got quite a few photos of fallow and reds shot with this bullet between 100-450m. Epic bleeds, good exits, plus a couple of nicely mushroomed bullets recovered from the bank behind the deer. The BTSP works so well for me for open country shooting that I bought 500.
Close range on goats - say sub 50m - is brutal. It’s way too much bullet for this use and just blows them apart.
I would not use this bullet in a bush gun at close range when chasing forest deer. My other 308 for this purpose will be loaded with a tougher bullet. I don’t doubt that it will still kill deer, at close range, but it will make a mess.
I have used them on deer, goats and pigs and they work fine. I have half a doze or so left if you would like to try them (30cal eh?).
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Awesome guys. Thanks for the info. I’m going to be loading them in a 20 inch barrel and a 22 inch for a mate. So should be able to get 2500 plus out of them. Thanks shearer for the offer, but I will just buy a pack and give them a go.
Sounds like they will be perfect for what I want to do.
I used them to good effect near and far-ish.
No longer have 308 and have ?4 boxes if someone wants them cheap
Stevodog how much do you want for them? Where in Auckland are you? Could pick them up
Far bit rough, start a thread, get an offer and someone with 500 beats you to it .... the quick or the dead!![]()
He has a lot of herd management to account for though![]()
Speer seem like great value projectiles. I'm really keen to try out the 22,30 and 6.5 gold dots
I look at speers first cause they're good and cheap. Btsp behave pretty similar to sierra gameking and hot cor behave similar to pro hunter or Hornady interlock but in some instances are quite a bit cheaper. Hornady eld x and m are only a small jump in price over sierra and have some advantages.
I have been running the 145 7mm btsp real slow out of 7mm08 good value for money, no runners so far. Shoot just over a inch.
I use these as well muka, just at regular full load. Haven't found anything to poke in the ribs yet but I'd expect same results
@muka88 what sort of velocity are you running them at?
I'm still umming and ahhhiing about what to run out of my bush pig 7-08