Hey team. I have a 308 Win that I'm running 150NBTs in Lapua brass using AR2208 and CCI BR2 primers. The load shoots very well in my little Forbes at 2750fps and should be a pretty sedate load. I think 2208 is not the ideal powder but is good enough.
I have had a run of occasional very tight bolt lift though on the occasional load. I thought I may have had the headspace a little too long so I have measured across a number of fires cases with a Hornady comparator and bumped the shoulder back another 0.002" from fired brass. Everything chambers easy. I have one piece of brass that jammed on me last night that measures 2.006" long. I think this is well undersize at 2.015" so unlikely it's not too long. I have a base of 0.4721 which is about 0.0011" over CIP so I'm not picking that's too bad. 2208 is nearly impossible to overload so I doubt I'm too hot. The primer tells the same story. The only thing I can find in this one piece of brass is a mark across the base. I'll have to take a look at the bolt when I get home but its the only thing I can see wrong. I'm scratching for ideas. I was planning to use some CFE223 in this but I would really like to get to the bottom of this first problem before I get any further down the track.