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Photos pop up on websites once in a while of rifles having S.E.E Secondary Explosive Effect or detention, The labs have never managed to duplicate it
so it must be rarer than getting struck by lightening, The labs maybe too well controlled Temperature and Humidity wise for it to happen it may need
the right weather conditions to trigger it, One thing every one agrees on that it is light charges of slow burning powder that causes it, there are two main theories
one is that the powder lays flat on the bottom of the case while in the chamber below the flash hole when the primer fires the flash does the length of the powder
igniting it all at once, No two is that the primer fires and starts the projectile moving it stops when it hits the rifling and then the powder ignites and hits a pressure spike,
They probable other theories, Until it happens in controlled condition no one knows, So don't load below recommend start loads and you can't go wrong, well you can but that is another story.