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Thread: Thank you - First Handloads

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Thank you - First Handloads

    Just a post to say thanks to all the knowledgeable people on this forum, so many great questions and answers that have helped guide my new reloading hobby. That and a solid addiction to Erik Cortina’s YouTube has gotten me to my first batch of hand loaded 6.5CM ammo! So stoked and can’t wait to keep developing and chasing that one hole group.

    Name:  4FA32F68-77C6-40C0-AD05-06A3B3F544BA.jpeg
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    Have loaded 50 rounds in 5 round groups, each group has .3gr increases of RL16 from 41.4gr - 44.5gr. Have a magnetospeed v3 on order so once that arrives I’ll be checking each charge weight for pressure signs, velocity ES & SD to find optimal load prior to seating depth test.

    Attempted to find Jam length on my barrel but seating at 2.175” CBTO doesn’t push the bullet back when chambering and is my max mag length so will just do the seating test from there, looking at group sizes in .003” increments until they’re all one hole 😂

    Only concerns at this stage are some irregularities with shoulder bump (I don’t anneal so this is likely the cause) which I think in turn is causing some infrequent seating depth errors (only +-.001”), on the whole really happy with my gear thus far.

    Redding Big Boss 2 Press
    Redding Type S Match Die set (Full Length Die w/bushing & Competition micrometer seater)
    Hornady Hand Held Primer
    Hornady Balance Beam
    Hornady once fired brass
    Reloder 16
    135gr A-Tip Match Bullets
    CCI #200 LR Primers

    Next purchase is definitely a chargemaster, balance beam is great but bloody tedious! 😂

    Will post my results once I manage to get out to test everything
    veitnamcam, BSA, Shearer and 6 others like this.

  2. #2
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Oxford, North Canterbury
    50 rounds
    I would've just loaded a charge weight ladder to start with maybe 12 to 15 rounds 3 at each charge weight going up in .5gn increments.
    Find where your es is lowest and if acceptable tutu with the seating depth from there.
    I only say this as components are in short supply and your gonna burn a heap of powder and pills there just with your starting point.
    Most of the loads I have developed have taken less than 50 rounds some much much less.
    If times where different and components were easily obtained I'd say go for it you'll learn heaps by going about it the way you are.
    veitnamcam, Monk and Micky Duck like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    @Hg1990 rip in to it cobber, loading them is only half the fun......hopefully you have more of the same components then it doesn't matter

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    50 rounds
    I would've just loaded a charge weight ladder to start with maybe 12 to 15 rounds 3 at each charge weight going up in .5gn increments.
    Find where your es is lowest and if acceptable tutu with the seating depth from there.
    I only say this as components are in short supply and your gonna burn a heap of powder and pills there just with your starting point.
    Most of the loads I have developed have taken less than 50 rounds some much much less.
    If times where different and components were easily obtained I'd say go for it you'll learn heaps by going about it the way you are.
    Thanks mate. Yep it’s a lot of components! Figured I’d more than likely find a decent load or see pressure signs before I shoot all of them so will be pulling some of them no doubt. Was good practice loading them all though! Found the extended ladder concept through “ultimatereloader” Gavin on YouTube, trying to find the edges of where the ideal charge weight is plus the 5 shots at each will give me more info on ES/SD. Wanted to get as much info as possible out of the test so figured I’d try it, will still have plenty leftover to play with once I’m done. It’s what happens after those run out that’ll be the problem! 😂
    veitnamcam and dannyb like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Palmerston North
    Shoot 'em all. You're probably better focusing on velocity ES instead of SD. Here is an interesting write up about it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by charliehorse View Post
    @Hg1990 rip in to it cobber, loading them is only half the fun......hopefully you have more of the same components then it doesn't matter
    Thanks mate! yep got a decent amount of them left, once I’ve got the data from everything I should be able to load a fair few up to play with! Just gotta keep the eyes peeled for whenever they come up again so I can stay ahead of what I use

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetite View Post
    Shoot 'em all. You're probably better focusing on velocity ES instead of SD. Here is an interesting write up about it.
    Thanks mate, very interesting read. Will use ES as the main indicator 👍🏼

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Update - So my magnetospeed arrived and I’ve got the results of my charge weight testing done!

    Name:  1B7EF6CD-9EE0-4475-9FF1-8BC5ECFB4431.jpeg
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    Ruger American Hunter Rifle - 20inch Barrel

    All rounds seated at 2.175” (max mag length)

    Best results were at 42.9gr and 43.2gr

    Avg 2695 f/s
    ES 14 / SD 5.5

    Avg 2738 f/s
    ES 19 / SD 7.8

    Very happy to see two sequential loads with good ES numbers, velocity will also (at least theoretically) shoot out to 1000m within the adjustment of my scope (Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25 x 50).

    Also glad I chose to do 5 rounds at each charge, there were a few loads where until the 4th/5th round I was getting single digit ES numbers so good to have the extra data points!

    Going to load another 5 rounds at both 43.0 & 43.1gr and retest those loads to confirm I’m where I want to be speedwise and see if I’ve found the best ES within that range of charge weights.

    At higher loads I did start to see very mild (at least to my inexperienced eyes) pressure signs - cratering around the primer

    Name:  DD079981-B304-44B1-AB2B-0F9004218655.jpeg
Views: 351
Size:  389.1 KB

    Happy that I should be able to load at my ideal charge without pressure issues, once I’ve confirmed the loads I’ll do my seating test with three rounds starting at max mag length and then three thousandths deeper for 5-6 depths (or until
    I find where it groups well!)
    Makros, Micky Duck, DBD and 5 others like this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Palmerston North
    I wouldn’t overlook that flat spot between 43.2-43.5gr. It may prove to be more stable under varying conditions.
    25 /08 IMP likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetite View Post
    I wouldn’t overlook that flat spot between 43.2-43.5gr. It may prove to be more stable under varying conditions.
    Is that even with the higher ES numbers? Whilst those two loads are producing a flat spot it is the average of 5 shots, would the loads that are producing lower ES not produce more consistent velocity and therefore better groups/ more consistent at distance?

  11. #11
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    North Otago
    Quote Originally Posted by Hg1990 View Post
    Update - So my magnetospeed arrived and I’ve got the results of my charge weight testing done!

    Attachment 178506

    Ruger American Hunter Rifle - 20inch Barrel

    All rounds seated at 2.175” (max mag length)

    Best results were at 42.9gr and 43.2gr

    Avg 2695 f/s
    ES 14 / SD 5.5

    Avg 2738 f/s
    ES 19 / SD 7.8

    Very happy to see two sequential loads with good ES numbers, velocity will also (at least theoretically) shoot out to 1000m within the adjustment of my scope (Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25 x 50).

    Also glad I chose to do 5 rounds at each charge, there were a few loads where until the 4th/5th round I was getting single digit ES numbers so good to have the extra data points!

    Going to load another 5 rounds at both 43.0 & 43.1gr and retest those loads to confirm I’m where I want to be speedwise and see if I’ve found the best ES within that range of charge weights.

    At higher loads I did start to see very mild (at least to my inexperienced eyes) pressure signs - cratering around the primer

    Attachment 178507

    Happy that I should be able to load at my ideal charge without pressure issues, once I’ve confirmed the loads I’ll do my seating test with three rounds starting at max mag length and then three thousandths deeper for 5-6 depths (or until
    I find where it groups well!)
    Did you shoot at a target? What groups did you get?
    When hunting think safety first

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by 7mm Rem Mag View Post
    Did you shoot at a target? What groups did you get?
    No didn’t shoot at paper, just over the chrony to establish lowest ES / stable charge weight before using seating depth to tune the load to small groups. Following Erik Cortinas load development method, will post groups once I do my seating depth test

  13. #13
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    North Otago
    Ok interested to see the groups. Good luck
    When hunting think safety first

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by 7mm Rem Mag View Post
    Ok interested to see the groups. Good luck
    Thanks mate will post how I get on!
    7mm Rem Mag likes this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Okawa Hawkes Bay
    Quote Originally Posted by Hg1990 View Post
    Update - So my magnetospeed arrived and I’ve got the results of my charge weight testing done!

    Attachment 178506

    Ruger American Hunter Rifle - 20inch Barrel

    All rounds seated at 2.175” (max mag length)

    Best results were at 42.9gr and 43.2gr

    Avg 2695 f/s
    ES 14 / SD 5.5

    Avg 2738 f/s
    ES 19 / SD 7.8

    Very happy to see two sequential loads with good ES numbers, velocity will also (at least theoretically) shoot out to 1000m within the adjustment of my scope (Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25 x 50).

    Also glad I chose to do 5 rounds at each charge, there were a few loads where until the 4th/5th round I was getting single digit ES numbers so good to have the extra data points!

    Going to load another 5 rounds at both 43.0 & 43.1gr and retest those loads to confirm I’m where I want to be speedwise and see if I’ve found the best ES within that range of charge weights.

    At higher loads I did start to see very mild (at least to my inexperienced eyes) pressure signs - cratering around the primer

    Attachment 178507

    Happy that I should be able to load at my ideal charge without pressure issues, once I’ve confirmed the loads I’ll do my seating test with three rounds starting at max mag length and then three thousandths deeper for 5-6 depths (or until
    I find where it groups well!)
    Greetings @Hg1990,
    You are on your way on your handloading journey. You have already learnt that 5 shot groups beat 3 shot groups in predicting precision. Yes I realise that you have not shot on paper yet but you have noted the low ES and stable velocity around that 43 grain charge level. I would not get too excited about the appearance of your primers. There are just too many things that produce primers that look like that that are not high pressure. I would be more interested that your velocity is in line with the minimal tested load data I have been able to find. Allowing for your barrel length your pressures are a little under max. Further there are no ejector stamps or swipe marks that would indicate excessive pressure.
    You will find your own way in your handloading selecting methods that work for you. These will change as you move along and gain experience. I still learn something new often after close to 50 years loading my own. Enjoy the journey.
    Regards Grandpamac.



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