Sample size that small is meaningless data.
Shoot 10-20
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Sample size that small is meaningless data.
Shoot 10-20
I dont quite think that is what they were getting at, it's more that if the combination does not have anywhere near the accuracy you are looking for, then seating depth is unlikely to bring a change about that's big enough to improve accuracy drastically. In other words, seating depth to fine tune a load, if it's not accurate, big changes will be the answer, as either powder, projectile or even bareel in extreme cases.. that's what I've taken from the numerous podcasts relating to reloading for precision rifle anyways
I know of a member who’s rifle wasn’t shooting very well he pushed projectiles in to sami length then shoot a 49 out of 50 and won the local deer stalkers shoot
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@caberslash thats exactly why I'm going to load another 20 up. Do a 6 shot group next to the 4 shot group like as in on the same big target with another shoot n see next to it. Then measure the new group, and add it to the existing 4 shot group which will give me a total group size for a 10 shot group.
Then the remainder rounds I'll use to validate at the gongs at 570 and 620y
I appreciate your approach, mine is much more crude.
For me it's decide on a COAL (fit and function in a magazine) then the seating die never moves again. Throw one powder charge approaching book max, shoot it and if the rifle and case are still in one peice then it's go time. Repeat until enough ammo is there then have a good few shots for zeroing and drops then away hunting/shooting.
I am more of a reloader than a hand-loader.
If you go for perfection, everything must be perfect. Bugger that.
Even if I had the perfect combination and load, Im not a perfect shooter.
Perfection is elusive. When I was farming I thought I did most things right...but looking back...I used to piss around getting the drenching gun within a part mm accurate, and then guess the average weight of the sheep. Stupidity and futility.
So Ive fallen into line. Near max book load and mag length. If it shoots .75" or better for a few shots and is repeatable I fold my tent and go home.
Wize words indeed, and while I like really accurate rifles, and enjoy the challenge of getting something to "shoot", when I go hunting my favorites are always "what's gonna be best to carry in that country" and is it "minute of deer" or whatever else I might be chasing. And then there's the practise thing, it's no use having a sub MOA rifle if you can't break an offhand shot, or one from a steep face over a tussock with your arse sliding downhill . . . .
Absolutely agree completely. I do enjoy the calibre debates in this regard. Do the deer notice the difference between x,y, z if it's poked in the right place? Chances are not. I'm also mindful of my own shooting abilities on the range vs in the field. On the range a 620y shot is not super hard. However if that's in the field and a deer well I'd be trying to gain atleast 200y on it
Here's another farming analogy that might well be appropriate.
When I was studying agriculture, part of my course was periods of time spent on different farms. The first farm I went too was fantastic! great stock, producing big early lambs etc. He had a definitive approach to how he did everything, including crutching, and I got told off for holding my sheep the wrong way and thus my hand-piece was cutting the fleece above the tail wrong. shortening it and costing money when it came too shearing.
The next farmer I went too, was also excellent with fantastic stock, and I applied my new learnt skill in thew shearing shed, only to find out that it was wrong and I should go back too how I had done it before because the new way was slower and time was money when you had thousands to do.
What I learnt from that, and many other things/ differences; was that what was really important, was that the individual liked their approach and therefore made it work for them.
I know people go on about the big BC bullets, group sizes, ES spread etc etc. Great in the search for your goal I suppose. But i got my .284 shooting common old 150gn Ballistic Tips at 3050. I got them to shoot an inch group at 100 yards and thought that will do me. I just seated the bullets to fit in the mag and that was that. I cant seat them out any longer, so there was no point worrying about it. So far everything it has connected with has died without much fuss.... its been a great calibre!!