@jackson21 and @MOA,
Now the ranges are open a bit of follow up on a earlier post.
I headed out to Malabar range on Saturday check sighing on my target rigs for a upcoming shoot and while there sent some RL26 and 145 ELDx combos down range in the .270 win at 100M.
A ladder of RL26 in 57.5 to 60.5 in 1.0 gn increments, 3 rounds per loading, produced cluster of around 50 mm at 100. Groups within the cluster appeared to tighten with velocity increase. I'm not reading too much into this as i had a magneto speed on the barrel and it tends to loosen and impact POA and probably grouping. Focus was on identifying any pressure limits and velocity as a secondary pressure indicator.
Average velocities for 57.5, 58.5, 59.5 and 60.5 loads were: 2935, 3023, 3084 and 3124 fps.
No pressure signs (extractor marks on cases or stiff bolt lift) were observed at any loading. Primers show the flattening you would expect with warm loads but not that you get from excess loads. I will deprime cases later this week to see if pockets are ok / spent primers chefs hatted etc but not expecting to see issues. I reckon the sweet spot for accuracy & velocity is between 59.5 and 60.5 gns and around or just under 3100 fps in a 24" bbl. Rifle is a Remington 700, so no OAL restrictions and about 40 thou / 1mm off the lands.