Hi Guys,
I'll paint the picture first and upload the photos tomorrow.
I went to try out some loads tonight and the results were puzzling. The guns a browning a-bolt in .270 and the recipe is:
59gr 2213sc
SST 130gr
once fired federal
OAL: 84.50mm
Velocity: 2965 (average) 22inch barrel
I'm only firing 3 shot groups. First 3 shot group terrible 2 1/2 inches. 2nd 3 shot looked good (would have been sub moa) - well the first 2 were, god knows where the 3rd went and I'm extremely concerned about this. Shot felt good and there was no way I pulled it that much that it went of the target. 3rd shot group was terrible. 4th shot group was moa. I ended the night by firing some factory winchester SP 130gr to see where they were shooting. 1st shot was well right - now not an issue if the other 2 followed suit but they didn't. The other 2 were still right but touching. The 1st shot that was right is about 4 inches away from the other 2.
Bit about the rifle - I employed a local "Gun Smith" to thread the barrel and fit a gunworks suppressor, well I wont get into that story except to say what a cock up!!! anyway, since it was being threaded it was being re crowned. A couple of guys have had a look at it and have said what a shit job. I wouldn't know as I thought this joker knew what he was doing. Now based on the above information re the targets - does this sound like I need to get my barrel re crowned?
I'm not worried about the above load as I'm going to be changing pills to sierra pro hunters so I get to start all over again, but before I do I would like to get this issue sorted first.
I hope I'm making sense - if not let me know and I'll try too. Also i'm a very novice reloader as well
Thanks Guys