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Thread: Transport of Dangerous Goods

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Transport of Dangerous Goods

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------
    From: Kathleen Arnold
    Date: Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 10:23 PM

    Hi everyone,

    Please read this.It is important information from COLFO>

    ---------- Original Message ----------

    From: Secretary@colfo.org.nz [mailto:secretary@colfo.org.nz]
    Sent: Saturday, 9 March 2019 1:32 p.m.
    To: Andrew Edgecombe; Apirana Dawson; Chaz Forsyth; Debbie Wakker; Debbie Wakker; Grant Fletcher ; John Bryce; Matt Kerr; Michael Dowling; Michael Dowling; Nic McKee; Paul Clark; Paul Clark COLFO; Phil Cregeen; rk98dean@inspire.net.nz
    Importance: High

    Please distribute this information to your organisations.


    You may have heard over a period of some months that there has been an issue with some courier companies changing their policies and refusing to transport class 1 substances. That includes ammunition, primers and smokeless powders.

    In most instances it is not the decision of the courier company, but rather an enforcement of the Health & Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 by Worksafe NZ. Effectively the Regulations state that class 1 substances cannot be moved through a Transit Depot. The courier company’s Transit Depots are the places where the courier van delivers goods for placement onto trucks to go to different areas of the country, ie the main depot.

    At a main depot, the only place that class 1 substances can go into is a “Designated Transit Zone”. The key problem here is that this place is only for holding consignments where the mode of transport has changed. In other words, going from ship to truck ot truck to rail. It cannot be used for van to van or truck to van transfer of the hazardous substance.

    Effectively, this means that currently there is NOWHERE for any class 1 substance to go if it is to be transported from town to town. This is what is causing courier and transport companies problems when it comes to transporting our class 1 hazardous goods such as ammunition and smokeless powders.

    But let’s look at the nonsense of these regulations a little closer…Class 1 not only includes powders, ammunition and primers, it also includes Christmas crackers, party poppers, fireworks, ramset gun cartridges and emergency flares.

    COLFO are currently working with Mainfreight, Toll and Worksafe around these issues and we are in the process of identifying an interim “fix” for these main transport companies to move ammunition and primers until the Regulations can be changed to accommodate class 1 substances. This will not be a quick fix. The process around legally changing the Regulations will be a 5 year one, so we are looking both short and long term here. COLFO will advise when the agreed interim ammunition and primer transportation “fix” is implemented.

    Regarding the movement of smokeless powders across the Cook Strait - the issue is not with the ferries, the courier companies or Worksafe. Again, a “fix” is being worked on which COLFO are aware of but not yet involved in. We will seek involvement should we need to, but we understand that a solution may be on the horizon.

    Meanwhile, effectively no class 1 substances can be transported because the 2017 Regulations prohibit our main courier companies from transiting the consignment through their depots. Worksafe has indicated to the courier companies that they will be policing and enforcing the Regulations regarding smokeless powders as currently written. This is their job; it is a legal requirement.

    We must also caution that there are regulations around the amount of smokeless powder that a person may transport in their vehicles. If you are tempted to drive a consignment of class 1.3C or 1.4C for others, you must adhere to the strict Land Transport Rules, especially the rules around when a vehicle must display a Dangerous Goods placard and the requirement for a DG endorsement on your driver’s licence.

    In summary, the courier companies are not to blame, Worksafe are required to enforce the Regulations inherited by them from the old HSNO Act. We are working together on a fix for our community. COLFO once again thanks you all for your support of our organisation, as your backing gives us the voice to get stuck in on your behalf to assist finding a solution. But as you all know nothing moves fast when legislation is involved and, with your continued support, COLFO are here for the long haul to help solve this problem.

    Kind regards

    Nicole McKee

    Nicole McKee
    Council of Licenced Firearms Owners Inc.
    PO Box 24020, Manners Street, Wellington 6142, NZ
    +64 27 44 00 567

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    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Interesting read! In the mean time, keep driving with a tank full of petrol and full LPG bottles in the boot! Fucktards rule the world
    tetawa, Pengy, shooternz and 4 others like this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  3. #3
    Maybe an oportunity to set up a courier buisness dedicated to this tyoe of transport
    outlander likes this.

  4. #4
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Nelson, New Zealand
    Yeah I got the same thing. Its going to make getting powder / primers real difficult for us here in the South Island.
    I know Steves Wholsale had to charter a fishing trawler or something to get powder/primers across the ditch as the Ferries will no longer transport it
    outlander likes this.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    and how are cindy's 100,000 houses going to get built without nailguns...............
    meanwhile i just found out tax money has been spent on crap like companies called "diversity works" and lifting the amount of $$ trannies can access to have their dicks cut off
    the country is getting weirder by the day

  6. #6
    Member Tommy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Well done COLFO
    Maca49 likes this.
    Identify your target beyond all doubt

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Presumably at least a few of our mighty MP's must have been involed and well aware of the historical legislative regulatory changes that led to this YEARS AGO, along with NRA COLFO and the sporting goods and construction and mining / quarrying / roading industries et awl. What is really occurring?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by gonetropo View Post
    ...... meanwhile i just found out tax money has been spent on... lifting the amount of $$ trannies can access to have their dicks cut off....
    Are you trying to tell us something?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Stewart island / canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by northdude View Post
    Maybe an oportunity to set up a courier buisness dedicated to this tyoe of transport
    Might be something in that....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I made some enquiries of some sporting goods chains a few years back to offer that service. They werent interested. Said they were fine wirh their own arrangements.
    Beats me howthis can arrive so suddenly like other sudden changes in regulations but supposedly take 5ffing years to reverse?? Somebody somewhere is bullshitting.
    outlander likes this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I made some enquiries of some sporting goods chains a few years back to offer that service. They werent interested. Said they were fine wirh their own arrangements.
    Beats me howthis can arrive so suddenly like other sudden changes in regulations but supposedly take 5ffing years to reverse?? Somebody somewhere is bullshitting. I think perhaps the "beehive" should be renamed "The Termites Nest"

  12. #12
    Member Cordite's Avatar
    Join Date
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    NZ Mainland (Dunedin)
    Fair point regarding inconsistency, cf petrol and LPG etc. I recall @gundoc did some court testimony regarding relative dangerousness of smokeless powders in domestic storage - the liquids often stored in households were much more dangerous.

    I wonder, what is the objective (rather than emotional!) basis for labelling substances Class 1? A box of rifle cartridges is much less hazardous than a gallon of petrol. Reminds me of Matt Damon getting flak for making a fair point - expending all that #me too venom on a certain film maker for being sexually prolific with his actresses, while not condoning it, leaves us a problem as we have no extra offendedness reserved for when people do something much worse...

    I mean, to set off ammo you need a lot of force / heat, and smokeless powder on its own is pretty safe. Maybe push to have such substances relegated to class 2 or 3 or whatever, and keep black powder (and petrol!) in Class 1 category.
    outlander likes this.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Central Otago
    Black powder and primers are the potentially dangerous items to transport, and even then they are fairly safe subject to some very basic precautions. Smokeless powder is quite safe in a fire and very safe in a collision. Transportation of ammunition (1.4S) is not dangerous at all even in a fire situation. The Army use Small Arms Ammunition (SAA) as safety bunkering between HE items (mortar shells, grenades, artillery shells, etc) in their magazines. So long as the items are not contained in a manner that allows pressure to build then there is no danger. A curtain-sider is the perfect way to transport such items. Hair spray and similar aerosols, camping gas, LPG, solvents, etc. pose far more danger to the public during transportation and storage. It is important to note that when politicians, petty bureaucrats, and news media are dealing with anything, facts are irrelevant, and only misinformation, hype, populism, and biased journalism are presented to the 'great unwashed'! If the news service told me today was Monday, I would still check it out before believing them!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by planenutz View Post
    Are you trying to tell us something?

    nah mine just got disconnected. no rugrats guaranteed !

  15. #15
    The Original Striker
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Shit I should have kept all my certifications and CSL active, I was transporting high quantities of class 1 every day.
    The other ones that every one has over looked is also matches and firelighters comes under class 1 in large quantities too.
    And on top of that the requirement to have a second person in the cab for over tools of trade quantities- 250kg with dg licence ( think thats still current)
    Bigger Better Faster Stronger
    Handle the Jandle, or get off the Beach

    The Original Striker



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