What do you guys do with your media once you have finished cleaning your cases?
Just leave it in the tumbler?
Or put it somewhere dry?
Does the corn media suck in moisture and ruin it?
Only just bought a tumbler hence the question.
What do you guys do with your media once you have finished cleaning your cases?
Just leave it in the tumbler?
Or put it somewhere dry?
Does the corn media suck in moisture and ruin it?
Only just bought a tumbler hence the question.
I Have Sexdaily. I mean Dyslexia! Fcuk!
i leave mine in the tumbler a friend of mine also washes the corn media when it gets dirty heres a trick that i was told put a little bit of brasso in the media as well seems to work well
@northdude do a bit of research about it, you may be able to counter the effects by washing cases ? and it may take a fair while for it to have an effect. Depends how long you keep the cases, its only something I have heard about not experienced myself.
Yeah like @specweapon spotted are your cases primed? before going in the tumbler? ( the one on top looks to have a unfired primer in it. If so check inside your cases as a piece of tumbling media could be trapped in the flash hole and will cause a misfire.
I put some turps, and frankford arsenal polish stuff. The polish provides some fine 'grit' and the turps helps with a coating to prevent discoloration plus I think it helps with a bit of lube in the press(using carbide dies). I add maybe every 5th use. Never have washed media, but do try not to add total mud caked brass in - maybe 12000-15000 9mm and 3000-4000 223, plus 500 others on same media.
I tumble then just tip the media back in bowl, lid on and leave till next time.
I've just moved, and tipped out the media. The new walnut takes longer to clean.......
Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....
A little bit of car polish will make a huge difference. Or you can buy cartridge case polish for four times the price for the same stuff.
ill see what happens know a few people that do it and theyve not had problems with it cheers for the info
Main reason why ultrasonic after tingling, and it gets the stainless pins out of the case necks
Just started tumbling myself and read somewhere to put a few cleaning patches in the mix and they absorb a lot of the crap and keep the media cleaner for longer. I did this and they are certainly very dirty. Haven't done enough of this to give any real data of whether it works better then not but I can't see it doing any harm. I also just leave the media in the tumbler