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  • 1 Post By 40mm
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Thread: VihtaVouri 320........... Or is it..........

  1. #1
    Member 40mm's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2017
    North Auckland

    VihtaVouri 320........... Or is it..........

    Does anyone have some 320 in auckland? i accidentally brought 4kg at an auction... (wrong lot!) its in milk bottles, and i want to compare or do some kind of test to see if it is actually as labelled before i blow myself up. I would also like an empty 4kg powder container to store it in if available.
    Also if anyone has experience in burn rate tests etc or suggestions as to how I should test this, open to ideas, and/or guinea pigs.
    Cheers, Dave
    Tommy likes this.
    Use enough gun

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Home - mainland nz, actual - Auckland
    I've got some you can have.

    My 9mm brew is 4gn N320 , 124gn rusa flat nose, SR primers - cci, federal or fioci - no noticeable difference.
    Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....

  3. #3
    Member 40mm's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2017
    North Auckland
    cool, thanks man. now i have to figure out how to test it.... i'm thinking weight/volume, grain size, visual, taste, rub some into my eyes (grit test) then burn rate/joule test (might be a trip to the local uni for that one)
    When are you shooting next?
    Beaker and Tommy like this.
    Use enough gun

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    You should be ok using N320 data it is one of the fastest burning powders available only N310 is faster, I had one of those 4 kilo milk jugs full it was sold by Reloaders Supplies
    in those jugs mainly to Trap shooters they never imported N310,
    Just start with the start load for your calibre and you will be safe.
    veitnamcam and Beaker like this.

  5. #5
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Yep, I used to buy it from reloaders that way, a printed label with reloaders address and n320 in ballpoint scribbled on it was the only id

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Sounds legit haha
    BRADS likes this.



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