OK, this is what I think is happening.
Firstly, you're not doing anything wrong. And I don't think you are getting a wierd or variable shoulder bump. It's just being new brass some cases haven't stretched as much yet as they will after another firing or two.
Fired brass will conform to your rifle's chamber but being new ( relative to your actual chamber dimensions ) new brass doesn't always stretch to it's full extent until fired at least twice or maybe three times so, in fact, some shoulders are not being bumped just yet but at the moment give the impression of being over bumped. Also, it's possible that even your cases measuring longest to the shoulder now may not yet have stretched to their full limit but have just stretched a little more than other cases so far. So, be prepared to reset your FL die again at some point to give a true shoulder bump. It's possible that if left set where it is now you may be creating excessive headspace which can lead to both primer ignition issues and shortened case life.
What I suggest is that after the next couple of firings of your brass you reset the FL die for the ( true ) shoulder bump at which point the setting should become permanent and not require further resetting.
I say the above based on experience with FL sizing new 375 Ruger brass which had given nil ignition of some CCI primers and I was blaming the primers. I posted my situation here and some knowledgeable members pointed me in the right direction. I was simply over bumping the shoulders, creating excessive headspace, and when, as suggested, I backed the FL die out slightly it was "hey presto", problem solved.