Good gun for the bush. But 100yds max. stick to closer.Similar trajectory to a 22
Stay away from 125gr hollowpoints-way too aggressive although when I was buying them they were the cheapest factory ammo so guess what I bought for shits and giggles
find some 158 grainers and get them going. I have a packet of 180's but never tried them. Not sure if they will do better with the weight or being slower stuffs them up
Shot goats with mine but no deer but wouldn't stop me doing so and I did carry it looking for them, just never saw any.
I would be more inclined to take shots that don't involve shoulders especially on big deer.
I don't reckon they have enough punch to wreck one and do enough damage behind to be effective. I think I may have read someone else saying the same thing on here recently and they gave their reasons way better than I have.
Ive been given some hand loaded Hornady flex tips loads but haven't tried them out.
BUT while I do like my little bush gun, if you got 44 that would be much better