357 magnum has lot better trajectory than 22LR. 140 grain at 2000+fps zeroed to 100 yards has only 4" drop at 150 yards. Its a legitimate 150 yards gun if you have the right load( keeping in mind 2-4 moa might be all a lever gun shoots) I use mine at shorter ranges more often but it will make the shot further out if you need. The shocking power will drop off at longest ranges, but it still kills.
Pushing a 357 with 158-180 bullets hard in a strong action like a marlin 94 or rossi 92, slow burning handloads it will hit 1600ftlbs, so its knocking on the door of moderate 30-30 loads. Thats probably what I equate it to, for game size comparisons. If you feel comfortable plugging something with a 30-30 or your 7.62 x 39, a 357 with the right bullets squeezes into that category as well. Range will be a little less of course.
Other advantages. 38 special loads. Low recoil, low noise, lots of fun. Just note these can be a little hit and miss cycling in lever guns, levers prefer a certain cartridge length. While they safely fire the shorter rounds, they may need tuning to feed smoothly. The alternative is load 38 special bullets out to 357 length, or load 357 down to 38 levels. It can be a very economical plinker at these levels, 2.5 -3 grains of AS-30N or similar fast burners will shoot 140-158 grain cast bullets to subsonic speeds, thats 2000-3000 reloads just one tin of powder. Case life will be in the dozens of firings at these low pressures. Its possibly cheaper than 22LR for plinking but I havent checked the numbers exactly.