Have shot pigs and deer with one. All close. Works well. Low noise and recoil. Use Hornady 158gn XTP. Best by far.
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Have shot pigs and deer with one. All close. Works well. Low noise and recoil. Use Hornady 158gn XTP. Best by far.
Nice would be interested to hear how it shoots. I used to own the 22LR version with a 12" barrel. Make sure you wear good hearing protection. These are pretty loud. You might find a speedloader that works for them too, even though they don't advertise it with one. For the 22LR version which is 9 shot I took a look at a few speedloaders from the Brownells catalogue and took a punt on the HKS 9 shot for taurus revolvers. Turns out it fit the alfa perfectly, instant reloads.
357 is good for smaal to medium deer up to 75m away in my opinion. I wouldnt go further, although it might be possible. It is tossing a 158gr slug afterall. You know you want one…
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Yes I have heard they are very loud and that the HKS speedloader works with the .357 also. I'm interested to see if I can get moonclips to work too. Did you have any issues with the lack of a blast shield and burning of your off hand forearm?
well I will stick an oar in here...the dirty 30 will shit all over a .357 or a 7.62x39 the numbers dont lie (unlike pilicktitions) put a good soft 170grn projectile in the dirty 30 and deer are in big trouble...the x39mm is a good wee cartridge but it wont ever catchup to dirty30 in energy or killing power as it just cant pussh same weight to same speed.... the 357 suffers same fate but worse
Im not saying the 357 is crap....buts its no 30/30 no matter hoe hard you try
thats like saying the .44 mag is in same camp as .45/70
The .357 is a great little gun to take on a drive-in or fly-in as a back up rifle for when someone stuffs up and forgets their bolt, ammo, bends the scope on their hunting rig...amazing what can happen...loaded to the max they can do the damage on animals. Also a great little plinking rifle when one wants a yippie around the camp using hand loads and home grown projectiles...a few cases loaded with lead pellets does the damage on rats and can add bird to the cook pot...if one takes something to pop the primers out and a hand priming tool one can use an empty case to punch holes in one's mates air cell sleeping mat...using just a primer one then has an adults nerf gun for shooting targets inside and around the hut on rainy days.
I wouldnt say its as great a difference as that. 45-70 can run 3800ftlbs versus 2200ftlbs for 44 mag.
30-30 is more gun than 357 no doubt, but you can get push 357 close to some 30-30 factory ammo, about 1700ftlbs apiece. 30-30 can stretch to 2100ftlbs+ of course, longer bullets, better velocity at range etc., its more powerful no doubt.
Fun plinking and the odd pesky critter but mainly cheap plinking.Quote:
What is .357 Magnum good for?
Cheers, hit the wrong button, meant to quote reply. That's good to know, I was wondering if long sleeves would be a must. I showed a picture of it to my mate from the USA, he spent a few years here, his response, "wow straight out of the 1860's, the lengths you have to go to now eh?"
ahhh BUT SOME .45/70 factory loads are way down close to really hot .44 mag loads LMFAO......
hell I will even admit that some factory rem coreloct .270win loads are down to .243 energy levels but on a whole the former will always out preform the later in energy if you comparing apples with apples.
one of the biggest issues with comparisons like this is that the origonal is being asked to preform outside its brief......if you want .30/30 preformance buy a plurry 30/30
its like buying a .308 and then trying to hot rod it to poke 150grn pills out at 3000fps and expecting it to handle the pressure......go and buy a 300 mag of some sort...you can do it with ease WITHOUT pressure threatening to either blow up gun or or silly fool head off.......... I very nearly fell out with a great Mate over that very thing a couple of years back.
Good for sitting in the driver’s side door of a hire car in South Africa in the event of a car jacking. Quick into action and weildy in the confines of a car. Good compliment to a folding stock G3 in the passenger footwell. Borrowed from a mate’s dad who was an ex-army sergeant. Not needed thankfully.