Hey there,
Was testing some ammo yesterday.
All loaded with 26gr CFE 223
All using Remington 7 1/2 primers
All once fired 5.56 Brass
Cleaned, swagged and pampered.
Left 10 PMC Brass/ADI 62gr FMJ
Next 10 RG Brass/ADI 62gr FMJ
Other three rows
10 PMC Brass/64gr Nosler BSB
10 FNB Brass/64gr Nosler BSB
10 RG Brass/64gr Nosler BSB
If you look at the row of RG/ADI 62gr FMJ those bottom 6 misfired/failure to fire... See the weird dent in the primer? Ever seen that before? And any ideas on what caused it//dud primers?
Checked the cases, powder present.
RG cases are from the same batch as the Nosler BSB's fired and all 2010 year so not old..all cleaned properly and swagged.
Cheers guys, observations appreciated.