Over the years I have done many weird things reloading.the reuse of stuff appeals to my frugal(tight arse) side. Of course I reuse cases...powder scavenged from pulled loads gets checked to make sure it's what I thought it was,pulled projectiles have been put in again,I've even poked out primers CAREFULLY while wearing eye protection and put them back in after case has been resized. Well they say there is a first time for everything. Mate recently got his loads mixed up and shot pig in back of neck at close range with his "possums ONLY" subsonic .44 magnum load I make for him. Cheap as chips copper washed cast driven by small amount of ap30 or ap50 well pig did not approve but dogs stopped him again where proper load was used.mate skinned out pig and presented me with the barely marked projectile,perfect apart from rifling marks....so I reloaded it again....waste not want not and all that LOL.