The rifle starts recoiling the moment the bullet starts moving. The brake is good at reducing felt recoil by turning some of the gas around as the bullet exits the muzzle, but by then the damage to precision is already done. That's why benchrest rifles are made to weigh so much - and why so many people offload T3X's chambered in 300wm.
Resident 6.5 Grendel aficionado.
OK for the sake of your sanity (and the family budget) PLEASE try any load you have already tried using current set up...but change your shooting position....hold the forend tightly pulling rifle back into your will either be better or worse than however you are currently shooting...when you say "jumps a lot"...I ASUME you are shooting off bipod with offside hand supporting the stock back at your shoulder/free recoil???? you have nothing to loose by giving a different position/technique a go.
75/15/10 black powder matters