The lrabs are really hard to get to shoot but once you get it you've struck gold!
I have been mucking around with the 168s in my new saum trying to get them to shoot for way too many shots.
I got them shooting single ragged holes at 100 yards and out at 300 they are a 3 inch group.
The best I have consistently managed at 300 is 1.8 inches so far.
My advice is: if your barrel likes them then stick to one powder and focus on seating depth. They will probably like somewhere between 50 and 100 thou jump.
Get a chronny and take note of the most efficient powder charge. I.e the point where extra powder charge doesn't equate to extra velocity as previously noted. Back off from there and you will find the efficient charge where you are getting good extreme spreed/deviation.
They are a fricken science to get them to shoot so make sure you have a good stock.
168s have been my favorite pills of all the 7mms