Just a friendly note
WR primers appear to be thicker than cci so before you insert a bunch of em you might need to drop your pocket uniformer in a bit to compensate. I hate crushing mine in so I guess I need to go over all my brass
Just a friendly note
WR primers appear to be thicker than cci so before you insert a bunch of em you might need to drop your pocket uniformer in a bit to compensate. I hate crushing mine in so I guess I need to go over all my brass
What diameter do both of them measure?
Silly question:
are they both in spec for Large Rifle Primers?
How much do the primers of each brand deviate from eachother?
Last edited by STC; 06-10-2023 at 07:31 AM.
Here's the SAAMI specs so the new primer shown is within spec. I'll do some measurements for comparison later today. CCI I have found have a wide range of thickness with BR primers out to 127 thou. I uniform my LRP match brass to IIRC 128 thou. Hunting rifle brass I don't bother.
you want to crush you primer slightly for consistent ignition
its only 0.15mm in reality, I wouldn't worry. just seat until just flush or below
I recall federal were like WR I think. Slightly thicker.
Crushing primers is like witnessing somebody scrape fingernails down a blackboard.
Here is a summary of my primer measurements. White River Energetics, as already posted, are seemingly excessively deep. Crushing these primers to get even a flush fitting across the case head is not good IMO. I usually preload my LRPs by 2 thou. My Lapua LRP 308W brass primer pockets are uniformed at 130.5 thou deep.
My findings with the Ginex wrt to their width support what has been appearing on the web pre their availability in NZ, they are hard to seat.
Effectively, f....n spellcheck.
Of course I have only posted dimensions. Things like consistancy of spark and intensity are not able to be measured with a micrometer...
I loaded up two lots ( onlg 4 rounds each ) of 30.06 today, one with White River Energetics LR and the other with Federal 210 LR primers which I plan to comparatively shoot tomorrow.
Priming the brass I could tell immediately the WR primers sat taller in the primer cup. Still finishing below face level of the case head but not by much and not seating as far as the Federals do.
I will shoot these over the chronograph looking for whatever differences occur. Will report results here.
Interested to know results?
Here you go. I think I already posted this somewhere, maybe on another thread and forgot to post here also.