So as I keep saying from time to time in the forum... "Yes, we do have a bunch of great people in here".
Going back to the point, dear @Breyt, welcome to the amazing world of reloading, where you think you know something and you find out you actually don't, but, the results achieved and challenges are fantastic and accelerating.
As mention previously, "many if not most" the people in here do reload, saying it, in your case I will give you "MY" opinion. Enter this world with open mind, the things you will see and learn are amazing but people have different conception and ways to do things, as "I" have done, I watch many, many videos on YouTube about reloading but the best I was privileged was to have a special "person" at the time to take me under his wing to teach me, since then I everyday learn a bit more about reloading.
Contact Reloaders and they will put you on track, join your NZDA branch or the shooting club(or just hang out with those people) make "more" friends with the same interest and learn from each individual possible the way they do it (if you not already done it), find what kind of reloading you are looking for, such as, just hunting, target shooting, target competition, bench rest, etc so you can focus in how "anal" you can get (I couldn't stick with only simple accurate hunting loads, I start to get all "precision" to shoot paper at 100mts and buying expensive reloading gear), put ALWAYS safety first and enjoy the heaps more shooting you will do.
I am sorry for the long message I get well "exited" when talking about reloading.