Is anyone using win 760 in their 260 or 7mm-08 using Hornady 129gn 260 and 139gn 7mm-08 both interlocks
What powder weights are you using
Is anyone using win 760 in their 260 or 7mm-08 using Hornady 129gn 260 and 139gn 7mm-08 both interlocks
What powder weights are you using
In a 7-08 Rem 140gr Partition 48gr gave 2862fps in a Model 7 with 18" barrel that was pretty much max in my rifle.
Years ago I used it 7-08 with 120grn Sierra and 130 grn Speer. CHECK this but I seem to recall 50 grns W760 and 3000fps from 22" barrel. It was a very accurate load and the Speer 130 grn are a very good projectile on deer. I've used them a lot.
I use 760/414 in my 7mm08ai but have not used any projectiles lighter than 160gr.
I get 100-150fps increase over the previous loads I had with 2209.
I used 760 for a bit when I had a 260 but couldn't get the accuracy or speed of 2209, I also found it to be really dirty and created a lot of carbon build up in my suppressor
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Most ball powders are dirty bastards, it's a given fact you live with. I've found W760 offers both better accuracy & more speed than 2209 in my boys M7 260. Each rifle will differ....
Yes have used in both
Works well
Funny this should come up, I saw belmont are selling W 760 for $40 a tin and wondered about buying a heap and changing over.
How does this work in a 308 20+ barrel?
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Dan M
Really well in the one 308 that we tried it in, did a ladder test with 2208 or 2209 I don't recall now and a ladder with H414. After the first 3 shots with the 414 I could see it was the powder for it. 5 or 6 rounds of ladder in one ragged hole and higher velocity than the adi.