Hi all. Quick question. Are there any non position sensitive winchester/ball powders good for cast rifle loads?
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Hi all. Quick question. Are there any non position sensitive winchester/ball powders good for cast rifle loads?
Not that I'm aware of, just go with the tried and proven IMR 4198 or Re7
Ball powders are not cast bullet friendly; they are not easy to ignite need magnum primers Manufacturers recommend
NOT to use reduced loads published start loads are as low as safe to go.
Ok, thankyou. With powder supply being the way it is I thought I'd check all available options.
If you just want to shoot and not worried about velocity look for IMR's 700x and 800x the shotgunners use shit loads of it and can be found easier than most other
powders they ignite easily and burn fast good for low velocity plinking loads, A Google search should bring some data at least for the .303
@shooternz. Is IMR's 700x and 800x position sensitive, does it need a filler?
@omark. Will the Ed Harris load work with AP70N?
If you can get your hands on some old ICI Nobel 78 Shotgun Powder pm me..I've done a lot of work with it including with 303 for velocities of 1200 to 1800fps with cast bullets. 1600fps is a sweetspot for accuracy in my 303B rifles. I also use it in 30-30 and 308. Lots of old duck hunters around Huntly. Bound to be some in some old reloader's shed somewhere. Ask at the local clubs. Opened containers that have been reasonably well stored have been my main source.
all theNot in my .300 BLK, I did use a little Dacron in .308 but not really sure if I needed to
all the Gurus at the time recommended it but a lot of what was SOP back then turned out to be BS,
try it with out; nothing bad will happen the less steps in the process is better.