Has anyone had experience with the .17 WSM if so is it a good caliber or should I be looking at a .17 HMR or .223
Has anyone had experience with the .17 WSM if so is it a good caliber or should I be looking at a .17 HMR or .223
What are you intending to shoot and at what range are the questions you need to ask yourself.
Small game in general out to a couple hundred yards,300ish being around the max for my ability
go .223 and future proof yourself . . with a fast twist barrel
without a picture . .. it never happened !
.223 is a bit overkill at closer ranges so the .17 WSM appeals to me a bit more for shooting rabbits,hares,magpies ect at short to mid range so the .223 may be another future purchase for things such as wallaby’s
Cheers mate
Do you have any recommendations for a good rifle with a fast twist barrel?
I really hate to say it but a Tikka T3 with 1:8 twist is hard to beat.
Is the Ruger American Predator in .223 a good rifle as that’s around my price range
223. especially in windy conditions
Good to see this thread back on track. Thanks to @small_caliber
Savage did the 17WSM cartridge a disservice when they raced out the plastic stock pencil thin barrel original Bmag. Some shot ok most didn't.
And those that don't know, rubbish the cartridge and Savage Bmags forever.
Well my Savage B mag with stainless bull barrel and Boyds laminate stock (pillar posts and bedded) is in a totally different league.
A number of 17hmr users of some well thought of rifle manufacturers have been a little surprised on range day and all the bluff and bluster has faded to nothing when groups and accuracy were compared.
@csmiffy The offer still stands if you want to try my 17WSM just let me know which open day you can get to at NZDA public range day
Last edited by spada; 12-02-2019 at 04:10 PM. Reason: old age
If it taking ar15 mags is an attraction to you it's a good option
I have both the tikka and ruger. The tikka is far nicer
I bought a Tikka in .308 a while back and love it so might go for a tikka in .223
17 HMR will do all you need, follow up with a 204 and your complete for small game, I have a 223 for Fallow and a 6.5 x 55 for red. 17 wsm I looked at then bought a 17 hornet, wasted my dosh, the 17 HMR and 204 take care of rabbits and hares and cheap to run. Having to save cases is a pain in the rectum, the 204 with an 8-32 nightforce is a straight sniping unit and so cases as easy to find!!
Boom, cough,cough,cough