Friend of mine brought one mid last year, savage with grey pepper laminated Boyd's stock, accutrigger etc. ( from Fish City Hamilton I think ) wasn't too bad a price, got a new DPT suppressor and brought it down to central for a big shoot last year.
We probably rattled through 500 odd rounds in 4 days with it.
It is a step up in performance over the 17HMR but I fail to see a lot of use for the round to be honest in NZ.
Other than maybe wallaby it's going to be going head to head with the HMR , other than a bit of an increase in range it has no real world advantages.
It cost's more to run, it's to light for ethical Deer or goat shooting, ammo is harder to obtain outside of main centres and rifle choice is limited.
I really do wonder if it's nothing more than a marketing ploy and it won't go the way of the 17 HMR2.
Impressive performance but not a big enough jump over the 17 HMR and not enough to foot it with the 204 , 222, 223 , ...just my thoughts .