Wondering if anyone has shot both and would share thoughts as a long range bunny buster
Thanks in advance
Wondering if anyone has shot both and would share thoughts as a long range bunny buster
Thanks in advance
Are you shooting in wind? Something .22 and bigger for long range would be what id look at.
Get a 17 Hmr, you get bugger all advantage from either of the others!!
Boom, cough,cough,cough
What’s your idea of long range?
Any further than 200m and I’d be looking at something in .20 or .22 cal centrefire.
Have them all Hornets the most fun .
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
For me the tipping point may be the cost of 17hmr ammo depending upon what your rifle like. HMR about $30 per 50 that's $0.60 per shot unless your rifle has a taste for something higher end.
17, 20, 22cal projectiles run at $0.35-$0.50 each, plus primer and powder as long as you don't value you time into it.
Mate has a 17 hornet and if theres no wind it will easy take bunnies at 300+, usually he keeps to 250 if theres wind about.
do you enjoy reloading??? do you WANT to reload??? that will answer your question.
@Cordite Where can you buy 22WMR that cheap from, I'd consider buying on if you can get ammo for $15 a box. Hell I've spent that much on 22lr ammo before
My apologies, looked up the dealer again to give you a link, but I now realise I mistook a 500 brick for a 1000 brick when in the shop. Was not wearing my glasses )-8}
If cost is a real obstacle, and it certainly looks like it compared to .22LR, here is one option... amazing what you can sell as long as you label it "For When SHTF"
Last edited by Cordite; 18-09-2019 at 06:38 PM.
I've got the HMR and a couple .17 hornets, .17 fireballand put a few hundred rounds threw a .17 WSM. rifle sucked, (savage) but its a good option for a rimfire.
I sold my CZ American .17 hornet, to GWH, he appears to be pretty happy with it. Has posted, sum really nice threads, on rabbit control in orchards.
If you reload the hornet, is a pretty good bunny buster, to 250m or so, its pushing a 20gr bullet 700 plus feet faster, than the .17 WSM, 3750fps in both my CZ hornets, 3350 for the 25gr bullet.
The 17gr bullet in the HRM, gets pushed around,much more than a 25gr out of the Hornet,
the .17HRM and .17 hornet, have sum really nice accurate rifles options,(Anshultz, CZ,) the .17 WSM not so much.
If you really want a nice long range small game rifle, look at the fireball case, 20 vartarg, 17 fireball, but you must reload,
I nice .222 is a really good option, that I suspect still gets a lot of use, but nobody is waving the flag for the .222 anymore.
Yep i had a 17hmr for years and loved it, but i must say the 17 hornet (CZ527 American i got from Southernman) is absolutely freakin awesome, it has a huge performance advantage over the 17HMR. Ive had so much fun with that rifle in the few months ive had it so far it's insane.
It shoots crazy flat to 200 yards (point and shoot to 200 no prob when sighted 1 inch high at 100) the 20gr Vmax/Zmax hits with a huge whack that has to be experienced to be believed. For the hitting power it has it still has zero recoil and therefore you get to see all the explosive action in the scope, the bullets that fast that its like you see the target pop before you even hear the bang.
The fun ive had shooting hundreds of bunnies in the apple orchards over the last couple of months has been bloody epic, to the point where i havnt even done much deer hunting over winter as the trigger time on the 17 hornet and ease of sneaking out for a couple of hours here and there to fit in around other commitments with the kids etc has been awesome.
I do reload the 17 hornet, which is pretty cost effective, as its costing less than buying 17hmr ammo. And i dont mind doing it.
Summary, the 17 Hornet is probably now my favourite rifle and i have a few.