The 50gr are hard as, infact don't seem to expand at all. Only damage in larger animals tends to be if they tumble. However, you will have no problems with penetration with them.
Their velocity is very poor so compared to other 22 magnum options they drop like a brick.
Plenty of people say that the .223 is a more viable option price wise but I use a .223 a lot and the ammo has gone up so much in the last year or so. Even cheap stuff like pmc and ppu is now $30 a box most places. I paid less than $30 a box for the last .22 mag ammo I got (in bricks) and it is still available in most places for about $35 per individual box. If you are using it under 120 odd yards predominantly and only shooting the occasional goat with it then the .22 mag is still a viable option. $70 for 100 rounds vs $150, I know what I'd be using to shoot mostly rabbits as stated above.