Has anyone tried the new .22 mag sub sonic ammo? Looking for some feedback.
Has anyone tried the new .22 mag sub sonic ammo? Looking for some feedback.
I had not spotted any priot to reading this post. I googles it and see Winchester is doing a 45gr WMR sub. Personally not sure it would be in great demand so cost could be an issue. If it is any sub sonic at around the 45gr mark then it will be very similar to a 22LR sub and likely be cheaper to use .22LR subs. Only advantage with WMR subs would be if it had a bigger bullet carrying more energy slower, say a 75gr or similar.
Not sure I see any reason why one would want some unless you dont own a 22LR. I would also be interested in feedback to any advantage over 22LR that perhaps I cannot see..
There would be no advantage if they're both shooting a .22 cal 45gr bullet at subsonic speeds then they will perform exactly the same and the 22wmr will probably cost more than the 22lr
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My favourite rabbit round is .22 mag. However some of my rabbit shooting is around horses so I must use suppressed subsonic. This means currently I have two rifles. By running subs in my magnum I could sell the second rifle which doesn't get that much use. I certainly agree that from a performance perspective it will probably be no different and cost more than .22LR. Next thing will be to check out the cost.......
I think it is just intended to make the .22 WMR more versatile.
A lot of landowners around here have a .22 mag as their hare & possum gun so the option to use subsonics could be useful in some situations.
I bought some of this on my last trip home, only shot a few groups to work out what I have to dial on the scope to use it-fortunately on a rabbit at 50 it's so close to the suppers that I don't need to do anything.
I can see me having a mag full of it in my pocket when walking around for close stuff if I have time so as to disturb other game.
Not cheep so can't see me using much. In oz where you have to justify every rifle I could see more of a market for it.
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sorry wandering a bit but if you reload you could try a hornet you could load it up and down to suit what you are doing on one of the ones i own the previous owner was shooting cast subs in it
I must have drank more than I thought last night.... Wouldn't a 22mag sub just be a 22 sub?
Are they making subs in the longer shells so they can be used in a magnum action? Next a sub hmr will be available
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If i could have a full time job shooting pests i'm up for over time.
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Yes, it's a little larger so if you try and fire any sort of .22lr in a .22 mag chamber they tend to split. Healed lead projectile(even if cover washed) v jacketed pill is the reason.
I'm glad this new ammo is around, and hope it stays around even though I can't see me using much of it.
.22mag is now a very versatile caliber compared to just a few years back, hell 17hmr almost made it obsolete untill they came out with the 30g plastic tip ammo.
Now you can go out after a bunny and have three sorts of ammo on you to cover close stealthy bunnys, right out there(for rimfire) bunnys and goats/wallaby/small close deer
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Can see the occasional use for sub 22mag, but considering the cost of a cheap 22lr rifle I don't see the need. If you are limited to the number of rifles sure.
Yeah that could be useful in all sorts of situations as long as you know how to aim for each one.
Nice info, cheers
Sent from my workbench
If i could have a full time job shooting pests i'm up for over time.