spent 10 years in OZ so cant comment from recent experience but tried various subsonics-Eley, PMC. Not really a lot around and cost was a factor so stayed away from CCI ammo. Always found the Winchester and also kilwell hushpower (I think they were Winchester anyway) worked better than anything else
my norinco bolt actions have all hated winchester power point supersonic in that they are a turd to feed...both the 40 and 42grn subsonic feed well and shoot very well in them. strangly enough using the subsonics in long barreled norinco they not much noiser than with suppressor,well quiet enough to not bother anyone anyhow.
Holy thread resurrection Batman!
SK Magazine is pretty good. You have to buy a 500 rd can of it though.
Another vote here for CCI subs - my 10/22 likes them