Nice work on the stoats Guys
I have given up trying to get cats to put their head in a Timms or Possum Master I have reverted to cages got three cats that were decimating our Quail flocks in a couple of garden areas - shiny new steel or rusty old steel they still work well still catching a few rats, amazing how they like to scramble up the same old ponga trunk just 16 on the spreadsheet so far this year
@BillyXmas546 has been telling me for some time to use a de-hooking gripper when handling rotten animals from traps I had thought that a good quality pair of gloves would keep me safe
I recently got a serious skin infection on my inner thigh likely from gloves rubbing on my trousers always washed my gloves but did not always wash my trousers - it required a some serious antibiotic treatment both internal and external
So I have bought a set of Burnsco hook grippers and it does feel a lot safer I will also start using disinfectant on my hands when I use my phone
Pic of a possum I found in a trap yesterday a week in a trap is a long time at this time of the year YUK I removed the colour so it didnt put you off your breakfast
Stay safe Guys - H&S 101