Far out that is impressive !!!!
One hell of a ramp to get up into the kill zone.
Never heard of them @time out. Good on you for posting !!
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Far out that is impressive !!!!
One hell of a ramp to get up into the kill zone.
Never heard of them @time out. Good on you for posting !!
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Going to be interesting to see how it goes, time out please keep us updated.
Freshened up all my traps today.
Got a surprise on the way around, haven't seen this very often.
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Yep well I got a surprise also with my swamp comp prize, Attachment 134797
Put it on the side of my compost heap where I know there’s mice and the odd rat and the hog is all I have caught in nearly 4 weeks.
1 Kudos for the A24 tho .... stone dead.
Brilliant [emoji106]
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Beats getting them out of a 200, lol.
Seen this one sneaking around here on three separate occasions.
Seeing that I'm home every day at the moment, thought I'd bait the cage trap.
Today was the 4th time id seen it and I won't be seeing it again [emoji106]
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Obviously not the priority at the moment but they mentioned in the news they have discovered ferrets were subseptable to covid 19, hence that’s what they are testing the first vaccine attempts on.
Possibly a silver lining but also possibly another nightmare waiting to happen if they can transmit it, I have no idea, time will tell but another reason to glove up when dealing with critters :thumbsup:
Can’t beat a cage to catch a sneaky cat kukuwai - they always make a bad mistake at some stage
I had an interesting experience at home - an RCD tripped a couple of days back - just as I put the jug on its base -thought it was stuffed - but the RCD didn’t trip again and the jug was fine - strange??
Out in the garage yesterday - something smells strange around here - searched high and low - nothing
Out in the garage this morning - I can smell death somewhere - maybe in the freezer - has it shit itself? - no still going fine - checked a TRex in a box on one end of the freezer - no bait - bloody mouse somewhere - pulled the other end off the freezer - ahh - there he is - across some terminals - that's what tripped the RCD
A good lesson - its getting cold outside - they are looking for a warm spot somewhere in our houses - so I set up another four trap boxes around the garage and under the Heat pump compressor unit - bastard Snap-e got my thumb while I was setting a hair trigger - going black now
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Time out I remember you sending me a photo of you with 2 black thumb nails, sorry mate couldnt help myself LOL.
I am almost catching a mouse a night in my shed they certainly are on the move into warmer places. I reckon those little wooden base Victor mouse traps are the best catchers, they dont take any prisoners thats for sure.
Looking in the window on a rainy day nope none of you are getting in.
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No Landcare shroud, i use the victors with the yellow tread plate and set the trap forward in the box with bait behind the trap.
Its not a specific set for weasels just the way i set all my victors. Often i bait them with smoked fish bones/skin as that is what i have in the freezer. Seems to be a good lure for a range of critters.
Some of my victors are two and three years old and still going strong. Just give them a brush and a spray every once and a while.
Out in all conditions and still working [emoji106]
I have caught 7 weasels in them so far this year and some have been quite small/lightweight so may not have triggered a DOC 200 ???
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I have been checking a few lines in my exercise Park up the road - I can just about see a possum in a trap from my front windows - accompanied by my wife and dog so I am fairly safe
I had a three week break for leg surgery so the rat traps are a disaster zone - tripped and scavenged - the odd part head and some fur is best evidence of a kill
Hogs in doc250s - yuk - it’s been a while since possums came over the gully and into the danger zone - but they now seem to be on the move - a bad decision for about six of them recently - Sentinels are always ready and waiting - one trap got torn off a tree a month or so back so he must have been a big one - I can confirm for you @Dead Rat - that your Flipping Timmy does the biz - even with dried out apple - but as an experiment - I have mounted it a bit lower on the tree and fitted a Connovation lure tube on the bait rod - the same flavour that I use on the Sentinels - I love the smell of aniseed - still leaving the possum with a choice of a Timms on the stump or the Timmy on the tree
Mindie cant understand why I leave dead possums up a tree - too high for her to reach or she would cart it back to me - just realised why she is slow to follow me off a possum trap site - little buggar likes the blue stuff I plaster on the tree and licks it off
Always amazes me how a rat gets into a doc200 and gets killed on the way out - what lousy luck
I am still running about six boxes around the street perimeter track - getting a few mice and a rat every day - got a big Norway a few days back - bloody mice in the garage have got me beat - but it was cold and wet this morning and pretty sure he ran back outside
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Mice in the garage or shed,, get some of those "take no prisoners" victor wooden base mouse traps with the yellow plastic treadle, problem solved.
Is it a Shag? Its not a Weka.
I can back that up as i listened to head of the australian company conducting the tests on ferrets being interviewed on RNZ last week.
He said they have used them (ferrets) before when testing for the SARS 1 virus.
He also said that the ferrets lung structure closely resembles that of a human making them an ideal lab animal for respiratory testing.
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Level 3 and i went and cleared my high country trap line today as they are in my region/ district. They had been out for 5 weeks.
First line i did was 11 traps and filled 7 of them with mustelids 5 stoats and 2 weasels in various states of decay...2 of the empty traps had been tipped over by possums ? and were never going to catch. Some bastard animal had eaten the back half off 3 of the animals tails and all gggrrrrr lol.
Next line of 50 traps and in the first dozen traps i was on fire getting another 5 mustys, (the stoats in these traps were quite freshly caught) and 2 rats and then it all slowed down getting another 6 mustys and another 2 rats from the balance of the traps.
Anyone else get out today ?
The chook thief, was active and hadn't seen what was going down. My first reaction was a cat.
So the cat traps went out but no success. Then one morning I saw the shadow of what it might be.
Made a feed tray and a leg hold, two days passed and kept the hens locked up.
On the third day there was no resurrection for the murdering thief,just taken for relocation.
Finally Covid restrictions, work and tides aligned to allow me and my boys to go and peel some critters out of my estuary traps after 7 weeks.
Attachment 139209 Attachment 139210mumified cat
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cat pancake
And finally a cat in a cat trap Attachment 139215
All up 4 Ship Rats, 2 Hedgehog, 2 weasel and surprisingly 6 cats ( 5 in doc 200’s)
Bloody good to be back out there. :thumbsup:
If i could, I would 'double like' that mate.
Awesome stuff.
Looks like a nice day too. Lets hope we are looking at the back of covid [emoji41]
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From memory it was a mix of rabbit or liver, have caught a couple before on separate occasions but this was unreal, amazing how they get in ............. but they don’t get out!
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Hello I'm new to this forum, just enjoying the photos and advice. this is a test to put up a photo. I'm up in South Head on the Kaipara
Welcome to the Forum @BillyXmas546 if your gonna post in the other threads they appreciate it if you post something in the introductions thread. But a dead ferret is a good ferret so you are all good here :thumbsup: How did you get it?
Welcome to the forum @BillyXmas546 - I wouldn’t want to be a predator around your trap lines - looking forward to seeing some of your trapping systems
I have done three trips around the Quarry in the last few days - devoid of victims in the traps but I am sure they are getting dragged away - the only body I found was a rat in a Doc200
I have been trying out a D Rat trap around my street line - it seems quite powerful and has an easy operating handle on the side - swing the handle up to reset and it drops the rat out on the ground for the next one to have a feed
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Thankyou Sparrow and Timeout, the ferret was a couple of years ago (we just doing a test run with photos). Some wanker had a fitch farm up here and released them when it went arse up, I was trapping a lot of them in cages with blue stuff on apples (probably following rat smell) in Timms with fresh rabbit bait in doc 200s and 250s with rabbit and also in tunnels, it was quite exciting then I ran out of them, probably the rabbit population shrank with the calicivirus. I've 5 or 6 trail cameras and have only filmed one since. If I could catch another live one Id keep it and use its bedding in most of my traps. Today's possum - I really rate these Possum Masters very versatile they will catch almost all pests
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How lucky do you get , no not me...
I checked a line of my high country traps yesterday. The week before i had done another line up there where in 1 trap i had caught a freshly killed rat. Lets use this as bait i thinks to myself. I put the rat in a Doc 200 set up and checked it as i was going home yesterday. Bloody hell the box has been stolen as it wasnt where it should of been, then i think nah it wont of been stolen as they would of walked past 2 other traps which were still in place. So i have a scramble thru the matagouri [which is always loads of fun] and there is the box 10m away upside down with the egg inside but Mr rat gone... How blimmin lucky, I know there is a feral cat hanging around but couldnt believe it had the luck to go in an upside down trap box completely missing the treadle.. That particular trap has never caught anything in the 2 years it has been there despite being in a great location... put a rat in there and .... not quite a cigar but fingers crossed it will be next time. I have been catching a few mice in my shed and am putting them in an old freezer to use as bait, look out cat !..
Seems we are in winter catch mode now with not lots of activity, I am starting to use a few bits of salted road kill pukeko as the heat [lack of it] and flies wont affect the meat baits to much instead of eggs. The eggs freeze and the shells crack letting mice have a feed .. I will go back in a month if i can wait that long lol.
A “bloody” big Norway that was running around our street adjacent to an avocado orchard
Just checking out some trap options under the hedge
He had a good choice of food on the site - peanut butter in a D Rat, chocolate in an A24, peanut butter in a trusty old Victor and a day old rat laying under the D Rat from yesterday
Bad move - he checked out the Victor - brain dead so he pulled out and up on top of the box - then crawled away about 500mm
A big Norway takes a bit of killing - but may depend where the kill bar hit him
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Hey guys I'm going to try and get a neighbourhood trapping program up and running in West Auckland. What would be you suggestions for rat traps and where to get them for people to purchase so they can get stuck in? Thanks
I would go for victor traps. Incredibly versatile. Give carol a call [emoji106]
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Thanks guys for the info. I will contact Carol. I notice that they have the Victor plastic power kill cheaper than the old school Victor pro. Whats your experience using these easy to set traps. They would be easier for novice users in a neighorhood group to set. Do they get as many rats?
I have bought both the pro and power kill traps. My preference would definitely be the Pro trap, it is more sensitive imo. The easy set traps are better for more sensitive type trappers in that they dont have to come anywhere near in contact to the guy that "got the bad news"
Fun for all the family. ( photo heavy)
Estuary traps were due for checking today despite tides and daylight not really playing ball, the entire family was keen for the walk which is always cool, except it took me 5 trips across the tidal creek in a keen south Easter to get them across by the 4th parts of my anatomy had gone north for winter the only positive was the dog likes to swim. 😆. Attachment 141314
Catch rate was nothing like the previous round with only 2 cats this time, 1 weasel and a ship rat but still made for a great afternoon
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Happy as Attachment 141320
The slog back across , where the little guy usually gives up
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Following the tip from here put a handful of freshly plucked mallard feathers in a few Traps with my usual baits so keen to see results, not much info in the post but the mrs takes good photos so I thought I’d share I know all our trap rounds are different.
Ran leg hold traps post lockdown. Took 46 feral cats and the same amount of ferrets and stoats combined (mostly ferrets, half dozen stoats). I've been refining techniques for a while and have come to a few basic conclusions re effective trapping which is mostly applicable to the high country though some ideas will translate to all areas in NZ.
Maintaining / frustrating the predator at the bait station for as long as possible is key to success. To that end I've been securing fresh rabbit pieces under a large rock with a few similar rocks either side to both hold the bait and channel the cat directly over the trap. The rock needs to have enough mass to stop the cat being able to move it off the rabbit piece. Having an edge of the bait protruding is fine and helps with smell luring the animal in but no more and it should not be visible from the air or your traps will fill up with harriers (unintended victims which can be messy, distressing, illegal and renders one trap of no use for predators). Rabbit which has skin attached makes a much better smell than skinned rabbit and lasts longer in the trap. One rabbit gutted and chopped up into bits with a hatchet or clever will do about 20 traps. Areas of moderate rabbit concentrations during late Autumn trap well for both cats and ferrets as there is some competition for food. Cats like the dry areas that rabbits also prefer and ferrets prefer to be within 30 meters or so of water and close to rabbits. Dragging a rabbit carcass which has been opened up (split from bum to head) from trap to trap lays down a useful scent trail but only really works in dry weather. A trap which has been tripped and the bait stolen is one educated predator - a trap that has the bait stolen but has not been tripped is a half caught predator and you'll probably get it next time. A sparse covering of dry grass over a trap (sometimes called hazing) in order to help hide the trap loses more animals than it gains. The grass acts as a slippery medium which allows the paw to be pulled out. Using a grubber to bury a trap so that it is just proud of the earth or shingle level can help but the underside of the trip plate must be free of soil so it can be fully depressed. Freshly disturbed soil attracts both cats and rabbits so best not done when the young rabbits are out as you will catch them and not the cats (another clogged up traps situation).
There are no silver bullets here just attention to detail which is what makes for effective trapping - it's really hard to catch the ones that have had a narrow escape with a trap so putting the work in on the first set is the go :)
Happy tapping .
@Sparrow You really needed to say that lot in a squeaky vioce after 4 crossings:XD:
Some photos its aweka and yet in others its a shag
Helen and I share the trapping for SKLC, we make our own corflute rat boxes - they were originally designed for mustelids, Helen has had about 6 of them around her farm catching rats and occasionally the odd weasel. Last week a catering outfit was throwing away a large container of cheap mayonnaise so she grabbed it and put it on her rat traps, she got these 4 weasels that night. the trap in the boxes is a Victor Pro
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My son has been working on a 200 acre block setting up for pest eradication.As a family with the children growing up we have done a fair bit on this block over the years! But it's now under new management and they are upping the eradication program.
Controled poisoning which hasn't been done to any great degree, plus more trapping, night shooting and cameras to detail what pest movements there are ! This helps so there can be a effort to bring in more traps or baits that may be required for the reduction of that particular pest.
Camera footage is always been great over the years, seeing what's moving about and they don't always go to the chew cards or ink pads as the footage has shown! if the cameras are set right and are of fair quality,they should pick up most movements.
It's a learning process! I had a lot of false triggers in the early part but learning is what takes place.
Cameras weren't used like they are today and the technology is far superior.
These two ferrets in winter coats are his official catch's and a good start to the program.
The sister is catch of the day. Three this week 1 male and two females, the young fellow is going well.