Hey mate what's going on in the floor of that box, is it painted or have you got some foam in there??
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Hey mate what's going on in the floor of that box, is it painted or have you got some foam in there??
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First rat for this year, caught in a cage trap with my favorite bait - sultanas.
Dispatched using a Crossman BB rifle, planted in the rat garden...
Must have been a day for cage traps today, I got a bloody pukeko in mine [emoji106][emoji41]
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@kukuwai well spotted its actually just sand that blows in from the estuary, if I turned it 90 degrees it would swamp the treadle and render it used, buggered if I know why the weasels live around there , but they do!
The trap i won in the swamp comp (outdoor outfitters 150) had its first catch today.
That's two stoats and one weasel this week. I always seem to get a few in a row, patches of them.
Other than that a few rats and mice. I have been making an effort to round my line weekly of late and that sure makes a difference.
Plenty of traps to set each time, so its definitely worth it [emoji106]
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No way he s getting out of that trap alive.Good prize there.
Thats a nice simple doc150 box @kukuwai the internal diversion board might be more effective than a mesh especially for hogs that might struggle through an internal mesh the nest egg looks great
My doc250s are placed around the external boundary lines and seem to be catching large hogs from adjoining properties like you @sore head stoat they are mostly head shots but they seem very dead when I see them I reckon large mesh holes at the entrance and even larger at the internal is best they just need to divert them to the foot plate
My doc200s are placed around internal roads and just seem to be catching rats and the odd hog we have reduced hog numbers considerably and Quail breeding has gone well
I have a few rat few traps around our street track just starting to get regular rat kills again I have a specialist cannibal on one site he usually eats out the head but last night he just chewed out the brains and left the rest of the head I will get him soon
Bloody rabbits digging and peeing around our lawns have been driving me mad I got a few with the slug gun but mostly when hit they keep on running I have given up and reverted to a Fenn6 in a tunnel fantastic medium sized animal trap first night a rabbit, next night a big rat then a break until digging began in the lawn yesterday then a second rabbit today they cant resist running through a tunnel I extended a short length of tube on one end with an open box and a dirt floor a bit safer for the neighbours cat dirt is the most attractive entrance end and easy to scratch fresh dirt each day around the entrance they love fresh dirt
Great work trappers keep the reports coming in they are so interesting
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Yep that's how i will make all my Doc style trap boxes now. Heaps easier to make and uses up all the scrap bits of wood.
Also it is so much easier to clear the trap of a kill. You don't have to wiggle it out thru the hole in the mesh.
If its a bit nasty you can even just flip the box upside down with the lid open and let it fall out. Great for hogs, i hate touching those buggers !!
Had a good catch here today, couldn't find any rabbits the other day for cage bait so I shot a spur winged plover and thru that in.
Worked a treat [emoji106]
Its only the second one we've ever caught so Im no expert but was surprised by the size of it. What do you guys reckon ? For a female, normal size or bigger than average??
Anyway its back in the trap for bait minus its tail [emoji41]
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Guys watch RNZ podcast " Fight for the Wild" incredibly beautiful it will make you want to get out there trapping straight away.
https://www.rnz.co.nz/programmes/fight-for-the-wild - copy and paste into your browser
Pests use farm fences as 'highways' to reinvade native forests.
Another strike for the old school fenn today fellas [emoji106]
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Thats an interesting entry hole into that trap... because its a fenn trap or ??
The box is on its side in the photo. Its actually just more of a wooden tunnel (no floor) that has two fenns in it.
One at each end with an egg in the middle. The entry hole is usually on the ground but it is quite a small hole as i wanted to keep the hogs out of this one. They are an absolute pain to get out if a fenn !!
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Is this going to work ?.. A mate gave me a few [as in lots] of parries which i breasted that will end up in salami and bier sticks. I like using fresh feathers in selected dry and not windy traps and as i was breasting the birds i thought what about using the feathers with skin on. I remember Time Out telling me about a fella trapping in the Manawatu and he liked rabbit skin in a trap. Now the bit will this work... I am putting a bit of skin with feathers on in the bait end of the box with my egg bait but also putting in the entry chamber a bit of the skin/feather to entice the animal in the trap. Will this entice the target further in the trap or will it just bugger off with the skin ?? Thoughts please people.
Well I reckon it has to be worth a try....
I had never put a spur winged plover in a cage trap before as bait and look what it lead too [emoji41]
Let us know the results [emoji106]
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will let you know if i think its worth mucking around with.
Part 2
Up on youtube today [emoji106]
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Sparrow, this is how I stop the handle from jamming the corflute end tells me if the trap has gone off when it's down a bank so I don't have to climb down to check it till its time to bait and it has enough resistance to hold the handle back
@BillyXmas546 very cool thank you will add that to any new traps i place
"question" should we wash out the traps after killing a cat in them. I never seem to catch anything or another cat in a trap for a good while after killing a cat in that trap, with possums get another the next night. What has got me wondering about this is that I have 6 traps in an area approx 10m x 300m, 2 cages and 6 kill traps each trap has caught a cat once only, when I'd caught 5 I knew where the next one would be caught, in the trap that hadn't got one yet and that's what happened there is obviously a lot of cats in this strip along the edge of the bush, can the cats smell that they will get killed in there? I know its overkill that many traps in a small area but they're hidden from old ladies walking past with cameras and then social media. Any thoughts?
Great observation and question. i know that a trap that has caught a hhog is like a magnet to another hhog but as i catch minimal cats i dont know , will watch with interest.
Nothing exciting around the Park – just the odd possum, hog and rat – numbers are low after we put a session of Contrac through the place
We had a cat stealing rats from boxes up one ridge – so I put a possum master on a ramp – a piece of rabbit for bait and got him in a few days
A bit of action around the Street –
I got a cannibal down the side track – a very large Norway – the Victor didn’t hold him but he was stunned and had a long rest in the box
Getting big Norways coming up from the avocado orchard
I have been after a rabbit digging holes in my lawn but he doesn’t seem keen to run through the tunnel - I got a bit excited when I found an animal in the Fenn6 – hoping it was the lawn digger – but turned out to be another big Norway – the Fenn6 clamped him but he was still very much alive – so I had to go and get the air rifle for a head shot – I was surprised that the Fenn6 didn’t kill him – but he was big and strong
I have a cage on a property down the bottom of the street – the owner found a half-eaten rat pulled out of a Victor Pro – a very delicate eater so thought it would be a cat and suggested he put the rat body in the cage – he found a ferret in the cage next morning – so they are still around
Amazing to think we have Norways and ferrets roaming around our properties – no wonder the dog gets excited about scent trails on the lawn
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I cannot catch rats at the moment. I've got them in the roof of the house and chicken coop.
I've used peanut butter, blue smooth paste, walnuts, eggs, mayonnaise, biltong, salami and cheese. Nothing I'm using will catch the mongrels.
There must be so much food around they won't go in the trap.
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Finally managed to catch a couple of rats. First one was with walnuts the rat was walking over the trap treadle. It had gotten jammed up. When I freed it next night got one. Then no more. So I enclosed the hole they were coming into the chook house under the wall, with pavers and set a fen in the tunnel. Got the big male last night. He was really cunning wouldn't go in a trap. Might have to rethink the size of my entrances in the traps cause he is bloody huge.
That is one big rat. well done
Last year during the winter i had a few stoats on a line with the back end eaten off tail included grrr.. I have just been up and checked out a high country line and had 3 of the 5 stoats eaten BUT this time the bodies were almost picked clean and the tails were all intact LOL
Trying a couple of new trap ideas. sorry i cant do photos :oh noes: but they are double set traps 1.1m long, both run thru types, both with a dirt floors and traps set at ground level, both baited . One has a viewing gap right around it so the stoat can see the egg/rabbit lure no matter where it is . Will keep you posted.
we had a few ferrets eaten in traps...then I caught a BIG ferret...how the heck it managed to get head into and over trip plate of doc250 was surprising...I have cut the square in mesh larger by one line in each direction so 5x5 not 4x4 which helps no end clearing hedgehogs...as does getting rid of bottom wire in middle section.
The video links are of a deer trap I built - it shows the deer going in and the deer escaping a few hours later, When we checked the trap at 4am it was sleeping so we decided to wait till daylight 7am before dealing with it. It got out at 6-30am. I will continue my story in the next link.
OK to continue, a large Kanuka tree fell over the deer fence and wrecked it. I don't want to repair it till we cut down the other 15/20 large kanuka trees that are ready to fall over the 100/150 meters of broken fence, meanwhile, the deer are coming in eating all the natives I've planted. So we built a deer trap and I tacked the net to the door intending to fix it later after it was proven to work. I checked the whole bloody thing but the door was up and I never noticed it. However, the deer wasn't panicked notice how it just walks away when it gets out. It was back there at 11 that morning and back in the trap the next day and night. The trap has had 4 deer in it at the same time. I've repaired the trap and will be setting it again when my neighbor is available to shoot and gut it. I don't want to sound useless but I don't have a rifle and need to watch how to gut a deer before taking it to the butcher (also a mate) for sausages (trying to avoid criticism)
With all due respect Billy there is absolutely no chance of that !!
Your opinion on all matters trapping is greatly appreciated. As is your knowledge and wisdom.....you have a huge amount to share.
Awesome looking setup [emoji41]
Gunna be tasty sausages [emoji106]
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kukuwai, I plan to build a smaller version approx 600x600x1200 for cats and possums, I've filmed them walking around the traps a lot more than going in them so something double-ended covered with small mesh netting that's too large to be noticed as a trap or a danger, maybe with hazing at both entrances.
Make sure you keep us posted [emoji106][emoji6]
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A local friend is running 120 Possum Masters in a reserve near the Kaimais – checking two weekly so needs lure to stick to the trigger – previously using solid state lure tubes but now converted to a small piece of carpet clipped to the trigger. The carpet is smeared with raspberry jam so insects have difficulty extracting it all from the carpet – so the possum enjoys a last bite of sticky jam.
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I have trouble keeping an attractive lure on my Sentinel traps – the solid state aniseed lure tube tied to the trigger plate loses it’s odour fairly quicky and although I apply some possum paste each time I go past – the result is short lived and I don’t catch many possums.
So I decided to try jam on my Sentinel traps – so I decided remove the solid state lure tubes and go back to the original bite blocks – with jam on both sides of the bite block and also on the back of the trigger plate
I checked the first five yesterday and got a big possum – looks like he nearly got away with the bite block that was not installed properly – they are a bloody difficult trap to deal with while mounted and fully set.
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But today I tried one with carpet and raspberry jam on a gum tree they have been ripping into – will see what happens
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Rats are rare around the Park – but plenty of them around our Street – some big Norways coming up from an avocado orchard or the estuary – but plenty of Victors waiting for them
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I spotted a large cat shit in the reserve a few days back – so I hauled a SA trap and a Possum Master trap up there and mounted them together – both on ramps – checked them today and found a large female cat in the SA trap and the PM trap also tripped – all chicken neck baits were gone so must be others involved. She had the same markings and short tail as the others we have been getting in recent months. About five mice and a rat inside her - full of fat so must have been living well.
Relocated the SA trap about 100m away and put fresh cat liver on the ramps – should be tempting if there are others around.
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Great catch :thumbsup:
The steve allen doing the business for me too @time out. Rabbit backstrap bait [emoji106]
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My inept computer skills wont allow me to do photos so i will try and be visual with my writing skills which are also woeful .
I have 2 high country trap lines. Trap green 3 has been in the same spot for a year and caught zip. It got moved about 5m 3 trips ago, next time it was checked it had caught a stoat. Last time it was checked it was stoatally full of dead stoat. When i mean full it was full of the biggest stoat i have ever caught. I bought it home and measured it, from the guard hairs on the tip of its tail to its nose was 460mm long.
Thanks for the pictures Mate – I can post them for you – amazing work you are doing in the high country - that is one large stoat!
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