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Still keeping a few traps.
Still keeping a few traps along with the pest control shooting. Raining, so night off and a post for timeout.
The motors are for gassing rabbit holes. Have made up two of these new ones along with my original one! a converted leaf blower.
Just a mix bag of pictures timeout, most in the last couple of weeks.
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Work has increased, body not quite deceased.
Still doing a bit and a post for time out.
I thought to bring my companion through the night, as he's as busy as me and sometimes more.
He definitely deserves a bit of praise.
Day picture of dog is one he found that I couldn't in the dark and we had the thermal as well, but was well hidden where it died. The other picture is dog on night shift.
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Cameras are a good option.
I did a lot with cameras at one point and now years later it's common practice and with some who I have come in contact with.
But at present I am more involved with night shooting to top up the pension.
The camera's give your real information on what's turned up and what to target differently! if what's in place hasn't done the job.
The pictures are from one of the reserve a friend is involved with and the deadline are mine.
He runs two or three cameras at different locations and times, just depending on what feedback he needs.
The cat didn't go into the cage.
If I went through some of my pictures I would post more, there's stoats ferrets, rats and cats that just passed on by.
I am a believer that you have to mix up your methods of traps, bait and placement and the camera will give you details on a trap that has produced.
By doing this the trapping and the methods used keeps the pressure and the progress active.
Otherwise you just get in a routine that can produce very little other than your walk and a little bait top up, yes your numbers drop in time! but the ones that remain are trap wise and bait shy. That's why it's good to think out side the box so to speak and it's always good to have a win over a cunning opponent, rewarding for the effort that goes into all the hours of predator maintenance.