I had a brand new CZ languishing unused in the safe for the last couple of years so in a fit of inspiration decided it was well overdue to go for its first hunt.
Access to a handy orchard obtained the only problem I had was I could not remember what range I zeroed it at when I fitted the scope so long ago so a quick trip up to @Pengy s place to zero check and give the kids a go on the gongs, They went pretty well too considering the length of pull of the thing and their size.
Walking the rows we glasses each one carefully myself with my leupys and the boy with his 8x21 Yukons. For a very compact light Cheap! set of kids binos they are surprisingly good.
The little fellas were conspicuous by there absence but the numbers are kept very low in the area then typically as we got back nearer the buildings and other various piles of cover/shelter finally I spotted one.
Ranged at 170y we swapped over a couple of rows then stalked into 75y and belly crawled back into the bunny row and shuffled around to get a safe back stop.
A cci sub was noisily chambered then I squeezed of a round. Click........thwok and the rabbits lights went out.
Dropped the mag and removed the freshly chambered round to make safe(semis) and wandered up.
The Boy had gone from starting to whine to excited chatter and wouldn't be quiet so that was end of hunt as we spooked one more.
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